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Jumping into living in an RV brings on a ton of questions.
Most of them are pretty basic, like, where do you dump your poop? That one is easy to answer, we actually hired a guy to follow us around and he manually dumps our poop once a day. Kidding. That would be the crappiest job in the world (sorry, I had to… I’m done with bathroom talk).
Other questions are more difficult to answer. Questions like, “Where could you see yourselves living one day?” (Can we just keep traveling, please?)
No matter what questions people ask us about living in an RV, I always enjoy answering them…unless they ask me how we drove our RV to Hawaii. People always ask that question and then laugh out loud like they just busted a Nate Bargatze joke… I don’t get it.
I hope this post gives you some insight into what it’s really like living full-time in an RV.
1. Do you ever get tired of living in such a small space?
Sometimes, I miss having a bathtub. I realize that, as a man, it sounds weird to acknowledge that I miss bathtubs, but I don’t care. Baths are awesome. I guess what I’m saying is that every now and then, I do miss some little luxuries like dishwashers and amazing Wi-Fi.
But as far as space goes, I never feel cramped or tired of living in a small space. At least not in the past six years of RV travel. Plus, it helps if we keep our space clean. We do the dishes after almost every meal and make the bed every morning and somehow that makes the RV feel so much bigger.
2. How do you get mail, Internet, TV, phone service?
For internet, we have an unlimited AT&T data plan, as well as an unlimited Verizon plan that we can tether from our phones. Our first two years on the road we only had Verizon, which I can vouch for in all 50 states (with the exception of a few places in west Texas and the Teton mountains). Both providers have given us enough signal strength to record our podcast, upload Youtube videos, and handle all your basic internet tasks.
Most RV parks have Wi-Fi, but the speed is slow, and it might make you want to pull your hair out. Some parks keep it old school and will charge a fee for Wi-Fi or only offer Wi-Fi in one building in the park 🤔
If you’re going to be working out of your RV full-time, I would highly recommend investing in a cell booster that amplifies your signal. A cell booster will amplify your signal while camping in places with low signal. We use the WeBoost cell booster (affiliate link), and it makes a HUGE difference in allowing us to access the internet in remote places. We use unlimited data with Verizon on our phones, so we are covered almost everywhere with unlimited data and a cell booster.
For mail, the important stuff we send to my in-laws (i.e. checks to be deposited). Escapees is a great company that will help you set up your legal mailing address and mail forwarding before you ever hit the road. (You can read more about the process of getting mail on the road here.)
For TV? We mostly watch Netflix and an occasional DVD of Friends. Most RVs have antenna or cable hook up capabilities and many RV parks will have cable available onsite. I can count on one hand the number of times we’ve actually hooked up our cable to watch regular TV.
What is it really like to RV full-time?
In our latest book, we share what it’s like RVing across America—breakdowns, bear encounters, stunning hikes, beachfront camping and all.
3. Do you stay at RV parks? How much does overnight RV parking typically cost?
We frequently stay at RV parks. However, it really depends on where we are and what we’re doing. For example, when we spent time out on the West Coast, we stayed at a lot of state parks, national parks, or BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. There aren’t as many places to boondock in the eastern half of America, so we’ve mostly camped at RV parks on the East Coast.
RV parks have all your basic amenities—bathrooms, showers, laundry, internet (typically slow Wi-Fi), and the occasional pool. One of the first things we realized early on was the difference between an RV and a trailer park. RV parks are places where RVers like us or retirees typically stay. A trailer park is… well, what you think of when you think of a trailer park.
RV parks typically average around $35/night, but can easily go much higher (especially on the west coast). We are members of Passport America and Good Sam, which both offer discounts at participating campgrounds (We’ve easily saved hundreds of dollars on camping by using Passport America while on the road). This number gets higher every year, so don’t be surprised if you can’t find rates under $50/night, particularly in the summer.
We’ve also been known to occasionally boondock on some national forest land or stay overnight at a winery. Some of our favorite camping is done using a program called Harvest Hosts, which allows us to stay at wineries and breweries all over the country for free.

Regarding the cost of full-time RV travel, camping fees are easily the biggest ticket item. Save money on camping with the right RVing memberships.
4. How long do you typically stay in one place?
We don’t have any typical length of time we stay in one place.
In the winter, we will pick a warm spot for 1-3 months. In the summer, we like to stay for one full week.
This past summer, we stayed in Maine for well over a month because it was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. Just look at that lighthouse! Our time in each place is determined by how much we like the area, the weather, and what kind of projects we have going on.

5. How long did it take you to downsize?
Our first RV was our first home together. This was great because we were poor college grads without much stuff!
We had to get rid of a TV, a few pieces of furniture, and many of our clothes, but other than that—not too much. This was probably much easier for us than it would be for someone who has lived in a home for 20-30 years. I can understand the difficulty of what that might look like when I see my parent’s home where my brothers and I were raised. I can only imagine how hard it must be to give everything up.
That being said, I’ve talked with many full-time RVers who do a “test-run” of RVing before selling everything. This way, they can test out the lifestyle and see if they like it before going all-in. You can rent an RV using a site like Outdoorsy (we’ve actually rented out our RV on this site).
6. What made you guys decide to buy an RV vs. a tiny house?

I honestly looked at buying a tiny house before we moved into the RV, but our style of travel was better suited for living in an RV.
We like to move around a lot, and while tiny houses can be mobile, they aren’t mobile like RVs. The other reason I originally looked into tiny houses is their sleek and modern design. But as it turns out, we were able to renovate our older RV, and our newer rig has quite the modern feel.
Read Next: How to Renovate Your RV to Feel Like Home (RV Inspiration)
7. How many miles per gallon do you get in one of those things (in other words, how much does gas cost)?
Guys, it ain’t pretty.
In our new Winnebago, we probably get a whopping 6-8 miles per gallon. I know it’s a bit painful. That being said, you don’t buy an RV because of gas mileage efficiency.
In 2014, we drove to 48 states in our 1994 Class C Motorhome, and we spent around $6,000 total on gas over seven months and nearly 20,000 miles. I wrote a detailed report of our 48 state road trip income and expenses here in this post.
8. How do you stay in shape while on the road?
Mostly the Bowflex…
Hiking, running, and kayaking are at the top. My wife watches Yoga with Adriene on Youtube and other at-home workouts.
For a while, we also had a gym membership to Planet Fitness. It cost $20/month, and we had access to over 800 locations across the country. If you’re trying to stay in good shape while you’re traveling I would suggest Planet Fitness. They typically have nice facilities for showering and workouts, plus free massage chairs and tootsie rolls. Need I say more?
(If you’re planning on saving money on RV park costs by boondocking, a good gym membership is a great idea for shower access!)
9. Will you travel when you have kids?
Update as of May 22, 2019 when our daughter was born: Yes.
Our kids have been to a dozen countries in the past two years and we’re still traveling.
10. When are you going to return to the “real world”?
Recently a stranger commented on a blog I wrote about why we love RVing and said this:
“Personally, I think you’re just using it as an excuse to avoid living in the real world and taking some responsibility for yourselves.”
This isn’t the first time someone has said something like this to us or asked, “When are you coming back to the real world?“.
When people see two twenty-somethings driving around the country in an RV, instant judgment is placed on us. Obviously, we are rich, entitled, or hit some lottery that enabled us to escape “the real world” and travel full-time. Or we are drug dealers. There is no in-between.
Of course, the truth is we aren’t rich. We work a typical 40-ish hour work week, and unless Alyssa is hiding something from me, we have won no lottery. All of these factors make it a lot more fun to answer the question of when we will live in the “real world.”
Short answer: Never.
Longer answer: Read this post.
11. Where do you dump your poop? (Oops, I brought it up again)
Most RVs have a grey tank, a black tank, and a freshwater tank (although some people use a composting toilet).
The freshwater tank can run up to about 60 gallons (depending on how big your rig is), and that is your drinking water. The black tank is your toilet waste. The grey tank is the sink and shower water. You have a little hose that comes out of your tanks and connects with a sewer. Most RV parks and campgrounds will have sewer hookups or dump stations for you to empty your tanks. You pull a lever that says black and then one that says grey and BAM. Your tanks are emptied.
A Beginner’s Guide to Living in an RV
This guide answers all of the most common questions we’ve been asked about RV living, such as how to find the right RV, navigating health insurance, internet, and much more.
12. What do you do to make money on the road?
This is the million-dollar question.
Before buying our RV in 2014, we had no idea that it was possible to make money while traveling.
In our first year on the road, I came up with the idea to work a job in all 50 states (it sounded like more fun than sitting in an office). I pitched an online job board to see if they would help me line up some of the jobs, and they sponsored us. They sent us some film equipment in the mail (the cameras showed up the day of our wedding, and we hit the road 4 days later).
After realizing how much we loved RV life, we continued making videos for clients while RVing. Over the past few years, we’ve shot videos for small businesses, authors, weddings, and even big brands like Winnebago, Jellystone Resorts, and TedX.
In addition to shooting videos, I also co-founded a software startup called, monetized a podcast I host called The RV Entrepreneur Podcast, and spoke at companies like Chick-fil-A and UPS.
So the answer is lots of ways. We’ve run three different businesses while traveling and have found limitless ways to build a remote business while traveling. If you’re looking for mobile business ideas, you can download our free ebook: 50 Business Ideas for RVers.
Related blog: 7 Ways We’ve Made Money While Full-Time RVing
13. How do you keep up with friendships while on the road?
Our family wasn’t 100% on board at first, but after RVing for a few years, they came around.
We lost a few friends from back home when we hit the road. That’s natural when you graduate from college or leave any geographical region. Most of them didn’t get it or maybe even still don’t get the lifestyle.
The good news is that we met people out on the road who had similar mindsets and missions in life. We also developed a community of people who travel and work full-time while RVing.
I think the most encouraging part about traveling is that once you hit the road, you start to meet people with a similar mindset who can affirm your beliefs and values. I know that sounds obvious. Of course you’ll meet people on the road who also like to travel. It’s hard to envision what that feels like when you’re only surrounded by people who don’t understand why you’d want to sell everything and go travel in an RV.
We are constantly meeting new friends on Instagram or in our RVer Facebook group while visiting new places. We host meetups, attend conferences, and host our own annual event, The RV Entrepreneur Summit.
14. What do you guys do for health insurance?
Ah, healthcare. This is probably my least favorite subject to talk about. It invites so much controversy, confusion, and rip-your-hair-out hassle. Not to mention, finding healthcare for RVers is ten times more complicated.
We’ve been RVing for years and have tried several options for coverage on the road. We’ve used something different every year because we are always trying to find better, more affordable coverage. Right now we use a health-sharing ministry, but we’ve also been burned by a health-sharing ministry in the past. It’s a long story.
For in-depth details about our experiences with healthcare on the road, check out this post on healthcare for RVers here.
15. What about washing clothes?
I packed 10 shirts total for our trip when we first hit the road. We didn’t have much room in our motorhome, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t pack my entire wardrobe. We read a book before we started traveling called “Packing Light” and it was a great inspiration for us not to be RV hoarders.
As far as laundry goes, every RV park we’ve stayed at has a laundry room. Only once have we ever camped somewhere without one and needed to use a laundromat (Banff National Park).
In our new Winnebago Forza (2020 update) we have a washing machine and dryer (separate, though many RVs have all-in-one units) and it has been a GAME-CHANGER. Seriously. Now that we travel with an infant, having our own laundry on board is such a blessing. I highly recommend it for anyone traveling with kids.
16. Does Alyssa drive the RV?
Nope, she doesn’t. She can (above was when we filmed the GoingRV TV show), but she mostly works from the passenger seat while I drive.
Our older motorhome was a bit smaller and less bulky than our new Winnebago, so she did drive that one more often. This one she prefers not to drive since we’re also towing a car behind it.
17. What do you guys do for groceries and cooking?
We go to grocery stores like normal people. Alyssa has a gluten allergy, so we cook almost all of our meals in our RV. We’ve done that ever since we started full-timing.
Alyssa wrote this post recently sharing our top 10 meals that we make in the RV.
18. How did you know what type of RV to choose?
This was a much tougher question when we were first getting started.
First of all, I had to do a lot of research to better understand the difference between fifth wheels, motorhomes, truck campers, pull-behinds, etc. Ultimately, we chose motorhome because we liked the idea of having our vehicle and home all in one. We enjoy being able to walk to the back and use the restroom or make food without having to leave our vehicle while we’re traveling. And we didn’t want to buy a truck to tow a trailer with.
We also like the desk that flips over the passenger seat so that we can work while on the road.
19. What’s your favorite place/trip that you’ve been or done?
We fell in love with Maine. I mean, you can’t beat the ocean vibes and sunrise on Cadillac Mountain (the first place the sunlight touches in the US).

Outside of Maine, we also fell in love with driving the Pacific Coast Highway a few years ago.
We put away our laptops, pushed work aside for the week, and just enjoyed the views along the Pacific Ocean. We camped out along the water, went to Hearst Castle, and embraced what the RV lifestyle is all about (freedom, endless s’mores, and adventure).
There is so much energy while driving up the west coast. It’s raw and invigorating. You wake up and look out your window, and you’re literally on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. So stunning.
We’ve also RVed in New Zealand, Canada, Europe, Japan—all of which are jaw-droppingly stunning. We have videos of each on our Youtube channel 🙂
20. What’s your address if you don’t live anywhere?
This is a great question. You cannot use a PO Box on your driver’s license.
So where do you tell the government you live?
You establish a legal domicile through a company like Escapees, which has been giving RVers real addresses for decades. I share this process in more detail here, but these domicile services will set you up with a legal address to use on government documents.
21. Why did you choose to live in an RV?
We chose to live in an RV mostly by accident.
We wanted to travel across America, and we calculated that buying an RV would be the quickest way for us to visit all 50 states. We had no idea that we would live in an RV long-term, share the lifestyle with other people, or that I would spend so much time writing about living in an RV. The rest happened because we truly fell in love with the lifestyle.
Living in an RV has helped bring Alyssa and me closer together in our first couple of years of marriage. We’ve seen more of America than either of us could have imagined we would (and still have a lot to see!). Because we are self-employed, we’ve been able to pick up and go when new opportunities come our way. Not to mention, in the past few years of travel we’ve also been able to pay off all $27k of my student debt.
This post has become a mammoth. I didn’t intend for it to be this long, but there are a lot of questions people have asked us since we started full-time RVing. If I left any questions out that you’d like to know, make sure to check out Alyssa’s new book, A Beginner’s Guide to Living in an RV. She answers these questions much better than I do and in WAY more detail (plus she covers a lot more that we wish we knew before living in an RV.)
Great post, Heath! A lot of questions answered for me! Miss seeing you guys.
haha thanks Billy! Miss seeing you too man. We’ll be back in Austin in April. Should get together soon and would love to hear how everything is coming along.
I am a 73 yrs old female widowed and living with my dog.
I am seriously considering living in a Chinook full time with my dog.
Do you think it’s possible for me to do. If not tell me why.
Thank you in advance for your feedback
How is RV living with the Covid Pandemic? What problems have you had? We’ve heard of places being closed. Thank you.
Alyssa drives the RV! That girl is awesome!
Okay here are two questions I’ve been wondering… 1) What kind of situations have you run into where it would’ve been realllly nice to have a car? 2) What are the logistics like when you try to visit your family? Is it difficult and thus you don’t see them often except when you have a long stay in Texas?
Don’t mind me, I’m casually creeping on my husband’s blog and saw your comment. 😀 Yeah, driving the RV is fun! Kind of like driving a tank.
1) That one time Heath backed the RV into a car at a crowded grocery store, yeah it would’ve been nice to have a car.
2) We park the RV at our parents’ houses when we visit. I think we see them a good amount. Heath’s parents have a 30 AMP hook up so it’s really easy to park there.
1) …or maybe a temporary shrink ray gun? …or the car from Despicable Me where he just rams everything in his way and blows stuff up? Is that an upgrade option for Merica the Brave?!? 😉
[…] post about interesting questions him and his wife are asked all the time as well. Check out 21 Questions Everyone Asks Us About Living In An RV! If you’re seriously interested about living in an RV, I recommend you check out […]
We typically look places up before we arrive and find a place to stay.
Awesome, good to know!
We are considering selling our home and buying a motor home to live full time. We live in Canada and would like to travel North America. We are 68 and 71 do you have any advice before we jump into this adventure and lifestyle
You bet Lillian! 🙂 thanks so much for reading
Just wanted to say that I find #16 to be rather funny. I am a 42 year old single mom with 15 years experience driving buses. I come from a family of truck drivers, and my mother drove professionally for 22 years. I’m licensed to drive everything, but my vehicles are a yellow school bus and various luxury class coaches up to 45ft. I’ve even taken care of various professional sports teams during my time driving charter buses. Actually, I find quite a few of the questions to be a bit funny. I also live full time in an RV, and dream of winning the lottery and either buying a converted Prevost or an Equine Motorcoach. I’m quite happy with the lifestyle, and working towards my upgrade. I plan to put a tank less on demand water heater, stacking washer and dryer, and drawer dishwasher in the one I retire in. They’re relatively inexpensive, all things considered, and will make my home on wheels more liveable. I’m glad to see so many young people being brave enough to break the mold society seems to want to shove all of us into. Wasted half my life trying to meet those expectations. Wish I’d have learned about this lifestyle sooner.
Haha I find some of these questions funny as well Dawn. 🙂
How can you find places to park an RV in Santa Fe New Nexici over the winter. Any one know? We have a 24 foot Winnebago Navion on a Nercedes Sorinter chassis. Mint condition. Willing to pay. Need parking fir six months a year.
Hi! I have a travel job and am saving to hopefully in the next 2-3 years, buy a rv so that I don’t have to struggle to find apts or rooms to rent for 3 months at a time. First, thanks so much for providing such valuable info! I have a few questions. Do you think a female, ALONE, can hook/unhook a towable RV to a truck? Unfortunately, I don’t have anyone to travel with yet. Do I need a special license or certification to tow an RV? Are there any classes I can take to practice manuvering an RV? How are RVs washed, serviced/repaired? Thanks!
Hey Carol! You don’t need a special license and there are classes offered for how to drive RVs. You can check with your local dealer or Google RV driving schools. There are a lot of solo female RVers. You can find groups on Facebook to connect with them and learn more. Or there’s this episode on the podcast where Heath interviews a solo female traveler:
Wow! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What a relief! I’ll check out the podcast.
My 24 yr old daughter bought a camper to live in so that she wouldn’t have to pay rent. She was in the Air Force and didn’t want to live on base or was afraid to buy a house because they might move her. She’s out of the AF now and has a home anywhere she goes because of it! She does it all herself after learning how. You can do it!!
Awesome podcast, Heath! BTW the last link “Make Money Traveling: How to Make $25,000/month Blogging.” goes to an error page!
FIXED! Thanks.
No problemo.
Great podcast. I really enjoyed the questions and almost wish had done something like what we are planning to do at beginning of our marriage when we were 21. Cause downsizing? We are doing that NOW. I figured it would take us till the last sibling graduates next year. haha. 14 yrs married and military moving us and not having to pay to ship household goods…well all that has left us with quite a lot of stuff. Plus six years in Belgium saw me stocking up on great antiques. I did say the biggest unit we will rent though will be a 20×20. So gotta get a 2,000 sq ft house and 14 yrs down to that. WE WILL DO IT.
It may just be me yet I find it VERY funny people actually ask about how you get rid of poop and if Alyssa drives the RV. *rolling my eyes a little*
YOU CAN DO IT!!! Downsizing is the biggest hurdle I’ve heard from anyone RVing who has had kids or a house. I can’t even imagine!
But yeah, people ask all sorts of weird questions. There are less boundaries when you live in an RV I think 🙂
Thanks. 🙂 haha I heard you say it like that Adam Sandler movie. Yeah I would think is a huge hurfle. At least the kids are siblings and they can take their stuff with them to college and I don’t have the whole “mother must keep everything” vibe.
I just was affronted for you… as if a woman cannot drive a big RV. Glad you guys go with the flow and just answer them though. It let’s us other readers have a little giggle
Love reading your stories. I’m thinking on buying an RV and traveling on my fixed income Social Security. That would mean a lot of boondocking and fewer moves. Exploring many options and ways to save on water usage, making power and places to camp free and yet have dumpsites. Thanks for so much pertinent information. Live well.
Really enjoy your articles. We became full timers 4 months ago. Started traveling in our motorhome last year after I retired. Downsized after four children and 35 years of collecting anything and everything. It was tough to do. But we truly feel this is the next step in our lives. We rode motorcycles for ten years, 90,000 + miles in all 50 states. Yes we rented one in Hawaii. Our home base is Nashville, TN. People ask where we are moving to and I tell them there is no better place to live than Nashville. Staying at Jellystone this week as CMA’s are happening. Then on we go. Hope to cross paths one day and meet you folks. We will be the old people enjoying life. I will recognize you two cause Alyssa is the pretty one.
I definitely agree, no better place than Nashville! That’s at the top of our list 🙂
Hey! LOVE your site, everything I read I think “Wow that’s good to know.”. My boyfriend and I are both nurses and we’re just starting trying to plan/get everything together to start full time RVing in less than a year so I’m open to all advice and words of wisdom. Thanks again – I can’t wait!
That’s awesome! Congrats to you two. I know a lot of travel nurses who are in RVs now. It’s starting to become more common! I literally just released (today) our free guide of everything step-by-step to do to make the transition. You can download it here:
This was so helpful! My fiancee and I are living in Wimberley now and will be transitioning into a 5th Wheel in August full-time! We made the decision to begin simplifying our lives as students this past year, have been planning and preparing, and this post really helped to reaffirm and encourage me as we get closer to moving in!
That’s awesome Emily! Congrats to you guys. You’ll absolutely love RVing! It’s the most fun.
When it is a matter of living in a RV then there must be some question arise. In this article there have almost every kind of relevant question and necessary info we need to know about living in a RV. This one is really an informative article.
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. If you want more information on RV life, we have a free guide too:
Great post! My wife and I are exploring all options as we are not really finding the home we want to purchase. We’re a family of 5 and one of our kids has severe autism. Our dream is to have a few acres that we can grow our own food, have some chickens with plenty of privacy. My question to you is: do you think it is feasible for a family to live in an RV (let’s say a 5th Wheel or trailer) without traveling? We’re considering buying a piece of undeveloped, completely raw piece of land (no water, no electric, no sewer/septic) as we build a prefab home ourselves over the course of a year or so. What sort of cost would be associated with that?
Hey! 100% possible. A fifth wheel would be ideal as you can easily find a model with a master bedroom and a bunkroom for the kids.
As for living on land like that, you’ll definitely need water and electric at the very least, which will be an expense. I can’t say as far as how much land and everything will cost, since that largely depends on what part of the country you’re in. But definitely possible and an easy way to live cheaply for a while. After we’re “done” traveling, we plan on doing something similar down in Texas!
I feel like your comment was EXACTLY something I would type!
We’re a family of 4 about to be 5 before too long. Our oldest (4 yrs old) has Autism. We lived in our RV for about 5 months a year ago and she LOVED it. We stayed on a good budget and didn’t buy things we didn’t need we got to be outside so much! We’re really contemplating doing it full time!
We’d like to travel the first year or two then do what you said buy 5 acres or so..maybe with an old house/no house or just water and electricity hook up. Live in the RV while we get the “farm” situated! We’d like to have chickens, dogs, horses. We’re from PA but wed like to relocate somewhere else probably texas!
Hi everyone, I am from USA in Taxes, I applied for a loan of $100,000 in march with diamond loan company and I was ask to pay $1000 for insurance which I did and they never transfer my loan and I was charge more and more fee which I got nothing in return I lost over $20,000 to them because I was anxious of the loan I have to apply through another company and this second company did the worst to me, I was ask to pay only $800 for transfer fee which I later give them the total of $7000 and till date I never get mails from them and this really make me frustrated Until 1st of December when a friend of my referred me to HAVILLS LOAN FIRM at first I was scared but I later contacted them and after the processing of my loan, I received my loan the second days they transfer to me $300,000.00USD on 2% interest, please if any one is looking for a loan then contact them by email: [email protected] it is the solution to your loan problem’s. Thank you again Mr. Andy Murray the manager of HAVILLS LOAN FIRM. Any one in need of loan can reach them now via email: [email protected]
Do you folks ever boondock without any hookups?
All the time! We’re on the east coast and it’s a bit harder over here to find good spots, but we do a lot of boondocking in the Rockies and the PNW.
I’ve only just started thinking about RVing across the country with my family and the biggest question I have is how safe is it to ride in the back of a motor home as opposed to being belted into one of the seats? We have a 4 year old, who obviously rides in a car seat in our vehicles, but how does that work with a motorhome? I’m also going to follow the link to the family RV blog to see what they say, but since I’m here, what’s your opinion on how safe not being belted in is?
Hey Jessica!
So all motorhomes will have seat belts at the table or on the couch, or both. Many motorhomes have hooks in the floor behind the dinette booth that is designed for strapping in car seats too.
Well, that changes everything!!! Thanks for the info 🙂
I don’t have the writing skills like you so I’m wondering if you have met RVers who can make it by being work campers or finding local work. I have custodial, construction, retail experience. I really want to sell my home and go full time. I’m just not sure how to make $ while on the road. Thanks for any suggestions, Kevin
Hey Kevin! Have you listened to the podcast? It’s all about how different full-timers make money while traveling:
No I just found you guys. I will start.
There’s definitely a good range of careers and jobs represented in the interviews!
Thanks, Alyssa I will take a look. Thanks for your help. Kevin
I just found you also…have you ever heard of a RV…hairstylist? I thought that might be a good service to offer as we travel to make a little money…what are your thoughts?
There are lots of a little mobile hairstylists! But they are usually in cities so they can build up clientele.
where do you get the rv serviced at? also lets say something catastrophic happens to the engine and needs major repairs, cant just take it to a jiffy lube right?
We usually go to an RV dealership, but since we have a gas rig, we can take it to a lot of car mechanics too. Even Walmart for basics like oil changes. But there are plenty of RV-centered mechanics or even mobile mechanics to help you out on the road! It isn’t too hard to find someone to work on the rig, the only difficult part is them fitting you into their schedule!
Just getting a feel for all of this stuff. My wife and family are facing eviction with no place to go. We’re seriously looking into an RV. 1> It’s shelter. 2> It’s smaller/ less to keep picked up, 3> We can pick up and travel during the summer/ holidays and not worry about hotel costs/ availability.
Problem we’re having is the same problem we run into with apartments/ houses PETS. What do you do with dogs/ cats? Can you walk them at an RV park (even if you pick up after them). Making room for them? Do parks frown on chaining up dogs outside of the RV? I mean my pets are part of the family.
Cooking. Do parks mind if you pull out a grill. I know at state parks, a lot have grills there. But, I mean in town RV parks.
Do the fees for the park include electric hookup/ water/ sewer dump? Or is all of this drastically different from park to park.
I’ve read some have laundry, some don’t. That’s okay, I can find a laudromat. I can even shower at the gym if I need to.
I just want to know what I’m getting myself into.
Oh yeah, and school. We’re looking at LIVING in the RV for now; NOT just traveling.
Hey Kevin! Actually most RVers travel with pets. It’s extremely common and many people walk their dogs at the RV park. But it is frowned upon to keep the pets outside unless you are also outside. Some parks will have designated pet areas even.
A ton of people leave grills outside. Unless you’re in an area with a burn ban, parks don’t care.
Fees usually include sewer and water, but if you’re in a place for months at a time, you may need to pay for metered electric. This is usually only if you’re somewhere for longer than a month. (But yes, this is different from park to park)
I believe every RV park I’ve ever been to has laundry. Most have showers too, though gym showers are likely better 🙂
As for school, if you’re doing public school, the park may let you use their address. A ton of families live in RV parks, so it’s definitely possible 🙂
Good luck to you and your family!
A wonderful and interesting information about the luxury travel dubai and hotel reservation form are very interesting just keep posting.
We are on the other end of the spectrum…retirement….we have our RV and are planning adventures maybe next year…we made a trip at Christmas to Fredricksburg RV park,TEXAS ,so our 1st experience in RV was wonderful…very relaxing no hassle experience and the park was so nice ,I was very impressed. I think you guys picked a wonderful way to start your journey.You don’t have anyone but yourselves to distract and depend on…I think you are building a wonderful marriage.How better to get to know one another than being in a small space with a new adventure and challenge every single day. I admire you both and the pups for your choice.
Thanks Janet!
We are 14 people. 8 adult and 6 kids. Is there a way we all can travel in one class C rv motorhome? What about RV which are listed as 11 can sleep and 9 seatbelts. Does that mean it allows 20 people?
No, that isn’t possible. 9 seatbelts means only nine people can travel in it safely. Any more would put too much weight on the coach. You would need a school bus to accommodate 14!
Hey guys, on the brink of getting the last of 7 kids out of the house and diving into the RV adventure. I see that you guys tow with 4 wheels on the ground. Does this run the mileage up on your car? Maybe a dumb question but I was curious.
Hey Fred! It only adds miles to the tires, not the engine 🙂
Thanks for the reply but doesn’t it turn your odometer thereby devaluing the car?
Nope it doesn’t.
Hi! My wife and I are thinking about leaving our apt. for an rv, especially after I retire. If you go somewhere without hookups, do you use a generator for electricity and air conditioning/heat at night? How long could you use the generator, and how loud is it? Do most rv’s have storage on the side/under like buses do for luggage? I know we’d need to downsize, but a gas grill, tools, etc need to go somewhere. Maybe your wife’s book would answer these questions. Thanks!
Hey Rex!
We usually don’t run the generator overnight, since that’s generally not acceptable social behavior when you’re boondocking. We have batteries and an inverter that power a small fan overnight if we need it. You can use the generator for days if you really want to, and the noise is dependent on where you generator is mounted in your motorhome (or where you set it up if you’re in a trailer). Ours is fairly loud in the bedroom, but you can’t hear it at all really in the living area.
Most RVs have outer storage, but there’s more available on motorhomes than on trailers generally. We carry a grill and tools no problem 🙂
My book does cover most of these basic starting questions too 🙂
Thank you so much for your article. My husband and I are planning to full-time in a travel trailer within the next two years. He has a 55-minute commute to work each way and it’s proving to be too much for him, and we can’t see any easy way of getting out of our house besides moving into the travel trailer first and then selling the house. We have nothing to tie us down and no ties to our current home now, so we figured we would buy a piece of land to keep the trailer on while hubby works, and then we can travel several times a year (he has quite a flexible vacation schedule). We have traveled frequently in our tiny pop-up camper for the last eleven years and we love the lifestyle. We are also minimalists so I see the biggest hurdle of getting rid of stuff as not being a big one for us. I’ve already pared down everything in our current home to the bare essentials (minus a few sentimental items), and I plan to pare it down again in the coming months. I really appreciate your insight and I read quite a few helpful things in there. Thank you!
what about RVing the country alone with your dog? How safe would it be a female traveling alone?
Hey Cindy! There are many solo female travelers out there! I would recommend checking out this podcast episode where we chat with a solo female traveler about safety on the road:
[…] We have simplified our life by changing the where we live and what we live in. Th RV has eliminated the unimportant material items from our life. One could probably argue there are […]
[…] Questions about living in an RV Thinking about going full time? Here are 21 questions everyone asks about living in an RV. This blog, written by Heath and Alyssa, even has its own Podcast. […]
[…] recreational vehicle can serve more than one purpose. Most importantly, it will give you somewhere comfortable to sleep at night, and this is important on any trip. An RV will also be very useful when it comes to travelling, as […]
[…] Living out of your trailer or motorhome is a fun experience, and one that some people love enough to live permanently. Whether you go on the road full-time or remain a weekend warrior, luxury trailer accessories can help make your time that much better. By adding comfort and convenience, these items help you make the most of your time on the road. Just because you are driving around the country, camping and seeing the sights, doesn’t mean you should have to give up the amenities of the good life. They may call it “roughing it,” but you don’t have to have it rough if you don’t want to. That’s what RVs and motorhomes are all about, a life of freedom on the open road with all of the comforts of home. […]
[…] Before we bought The Chateau, neither Ben nor I had any first hand experience in RV ownership. I’m thankful that we have been able to benefit from the collective wisdom of the online fulltimer community. There is so much information out there that has helped us prepare from folks like Follow Your Detour, RV to Freedom, and Heath and Alyssa. […]
[…] you are planning to take on seasonal or short-term work to aid sustain a full-time RV way of living there are much more possibilities than simply camping sites and also parks. Prior to […]
[…] 21 Questions Everyone Asks Us About Living in an RV – 21 Questions Everyone Asks Us About Living in an RV. November 13, 2017 by Heath . Share Tweet Get Our Newsletter. This post may contain affiliate links.. I hope this post gives you a bit of insight into what it’s like living full-time in an RV. It’s difficult to explain everything in one. […]
I like that you mentioned that an RV was better suited to how mobile you wanted to be with your traveling lifestyle. My dad retires this year, and he and my mom have always wanted to travel around the world. I’ll have to give them the idea of investing in an RV and looking for camping stops and other rest areas so they can uncomfortable and still travel across the country like they’ve always wanted to.
That’s cool that you won’t feel too cramped after living in a camper. I have been thinking about getting one, but I wouldn’t want to feel trapped in a small space. I should take a look into getting one of those now that I know that it will feel pretty comfortable.
wardrobe. have a dressy outfit. we got surprised by a family funeral. camping clothes only jeans tshirts. now i have a proper dress and shoes for another formal surprise.
It’s great to learn that RV parks have basic bathrooms and showers for you to use. My wife and I are wanting to travel more and we were wondering where we should stay when traveling in an RV. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should look for an RV park that has basic amenities.
I really appreciated this post and just wanted to say thank you! Plus, I especially appreciated the good tip about Harvest Hosts! That’s the first I’ve heard of them. They look perfect for our 2-3 month trip ahead of us. Thank you so much!
It is interesting that this post shared that some people live in an RV. Therefore, I do believe it is important for us to store our trailers properly. I will look for a reliable trailer storage rental.
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It’s great to learn that a lot of RV parks have sewer hookups for dumping your waste. My wife and I are wanting to get an RV and we were wondering where we could dump our waste when we’re done camping. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should stay in an RV park to dump our waste easily.
I love that this post underlined that when choosing an RV park, it is important to consider the prices and amenities. My wife and I would like to go camping in an RV park to take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. I will definitely look at the trail as well as considering the prices and available amenities.
It’s good to know that a lot of RV parks will have cable available onsite. Streaming services are fine but I like to have a back up in case the internet is bad. You always need to be prepared for the worst scenario even if that means no internet.
It’s good to know that it’s easier to drive smaller motorhomes. My husband and I were wondering if we should buy a flatbed trailer and just build a little camper trailer on top of it. Since we could have a thinner profile with just a trailer, I will start looking for a seller in our area.
Howdy Howdy!! My wife and I have been toying around with the idea of buying a motorhome and hitting the road but aren’t really sure where to start! Im 23, retired army, and have done two cross country road trips with my wife and we loved them! I receive about 2k a month, is that enough?? Where do I start?? IS ONE BATHROOM ENOUGH?!
My aunt has been thinking about getting an RV, and wants to travel around in order to be more effective. She would really like to stay at an Rv resort in order to be more comfortable when she wants to stay in one area for a while. I liked what you said about how you can stay in a spot longer when it is really pretty, or when it is really cold.
Can an international student live in a RV, while studying in a unviersity?
Great post. Kellie and I get tons of inspiration from reading these articles. We have been weekenders for several years and plan to hopefully go to more of a part to full time adventure in a few years.