We bought a business!

Alyssa and I did something pretty big last week. We bought a business! I’d really like to emphasize the WE. As the token crazy idea person in our relationship, I pitch Alyssa on a lot of businesses we should buy, … Read More

Crossing the France-Switzerland Border In Your RV

Crossing borders in your RV can be stressful and involve days of preparation while you gather your passport, insurance, vaccine records for pets, and visas. We’ve never had a simple border crossing in our home on wheels. During our last … Read More

What It’s Like RVing in France

France is known as one of the most camper-friendly countries in Europe. But what is camping in France like? Just as delicious and beautiful as it sounds! This blog will share some of the top things you’ll need to know … Read More

6 Ways to Travel Intentionally with Kids

What does it mean to travel intentionally? Heath and I have always set travel goals for ourselves—visit all 50 states, RV in Europe, camp on the beach. Those goals have helped guide us as we’ve planned our travels so we … Read More

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