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Several years ago, I remember listening to Dave Ramsey talk about a couple who was living in an RV so they could save money and pay off debt before buying a home.
I remember thinking to myself, “That seems cool, but I would never live in an RV. I’m better than that.”
I wanted the comfort of a home, security, and consistent income. To live in an RV, I might be thought of as “less,” or people might judge me.
I believe that’s what you call dramatic irony.
Somehow, I landed an amazing wife, Alyssa, who challenged me to dream big and not worry about what other people think. We faced a decision to either stay in Austin with our comfortable jobs or buy an RV and hit the road on an epic 50-state road trip. We chose adventure instead of comfort, and it’s made all the difference in the world. Living in an RV to start our marriage changed the entire course of my life.
Now, a decade after that first RV was purchased, I’m traveling the world with two amazing kids. Our family gets to explore the world together while we run our businesses, and it’s the coolest feeling in the world. I know it wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t been a little crazy and bought that first RV to start our life together with an adventure.

I wish I could tell you there weren’t any times when I was scared or unsure about our situation. I’ve doubted myself quite a bit actually. But looking back over the past few years, living in an RV has made me grow more than I could have ever imagined.
I don’t have anything against houses. I grew up in one.
But living in an RV has made me realize how cool RVs are.
So here are 29 reasons why living in an RV is so much better than living in a traditional home.
One reason for every foot of our awesome first RV named “Franklin.”
1. Our RV has taken us to 49 states across America.
My childhood home didn’t have wheels. Deal-breaker. (Unfortunately, you can’t ship an RV to Hawaii. Or maybe you can. I don’t think this old guy would make it, though!)
2. Our RV likes to boast breathtaking views out of his window.
In a normal home, these views would run you a million dollars.

3. RVing across the country reminds you not to take anything for granted.
Strong wifi, nice showers, a dishwasher! Those are total luxuries. Life is so much simpler on the road and we are reminded daily of just how little we need to be happy.
4. I can drive to a destination and cook a pizza at the same time.
Heck, Alyssa can cook most of our meals while the RV is driving. Roasted chicken and vegetables? Stick it in the oven, and lunch will be ready in an hour. Chili? Throw it in the slow cooker, and we’ll eat it when we get there. Nothing makes travel days better than having a hot meal ready as soon as you shift into park.
5. We aren’t being crushed under a giant mortgage.
Since we are full time RVing (or full timer as they say) our home is paid off. No monthly payments. WOOOOOOOO!

6. Living in a small space and traveling to 50 states during our first year of marriage forced us to learn how to resolve conflicts.
Like the massive blow-out fight over the GPS while driving in downtown Albuquerque, NM. There’s no room to hide from your problems in an RV.

7. The RV lifestyle promotes being outdoors
and having a big house promotes sitting on the couch and binge-watching Netflix.

8. Our RV pays for itself in one year.
What we paid for our first RV ($11,500) is less than one year of rent in Austin, Texas (and way less than a full year of rent in most other cities across the country!).
Read Next: Here’s exactly how much it costs to drive to all 50 states.
9. We have no utility bills EVER.
You get free water, you get free water, EVERYBODY GETS FREE WATER. It’s all included in the cost of your campsite. Or free at certain national and state parks.
What is it really like to RV full-time?
In our latest book, we share what it’s like RVing across America—breakdowns, bear encounters, stunning hikes, beachfront camping and all.
10. RVing is like speed dating for friendships.
Invite someone over for a cup of coffee and see how long you can stand being with them in a small space. Most of our best friends today were made after hanging out with them in our RV!

11. It takes five minutes to clean the entire house.
Six minutes if you vacuum.

12. I can pee without having to make a pit stop.
Maybe this is a guy thing, but I think it’s cool. Keep on driving, Alyssa. We’re all good here.
13. You can decorate for the holidays on a ridiculously cheap budget.
Spend $15 at Walmart and we’re decked out for Christmas.
Read Next: 19 RVs All Decked Out for Christmas
14. The lingering campfire smell with a gorgeous sunset.
No RV trip is complete without it. Is there a better combination???
(The answer is yes. Add mountains, wine, and burgers on the grill. Now it’s PERFECT.)

15. When you cook bacon, the whole RV smells like heaven.
16. RVing is a great conversation starter.
No one cares that you own a house. Everyone lives in a house. But everyone we meet asks to tour our RV.
17. When you want to move, instead of hiring a moving company, you pull in the awning and unhook it from electricity.
Plus, you can move every day. Don’t like the weather? Tired of the mountains? Want to live beachfront for the summer? NBD. You can live literally ANYWHERE.

18. It’s perfectly acceptable to constantly eat s’mores.
Every day. Every meal. Who’s counting? You’re camping after all!

19. You can travel full-time and still make money.
There are more remote work opportunities now than ever before. We’ve run five businesses while traveling full-time, all of which we started in our RV. We’ve got 50 business ideas for RVers right here.
20. You can only be a hoarder for so long because you literally don’t have the space to accumulate stuff.
You’ll never own anything that isn’t essential, so you can never be weighed down by stuff.
21. It allows you to embrace a lifestyle of whimsy.
You can take your RV anywhere in the world. Because yes, we have met people who ferried over RVs from Europe! We’ve RVed in New Zealand, Canada, Italy, Japan, France, and more. RVing is even more popular abroad than it is here in the States.
Read Next: A Brief Guide to Renting an RV in Europe

22. RVing can help you eat healthier.
In my former life, I spent $300/month eating out. Now since we travel with our kitchen we (as a couple) only spend $50/month eating out. Plus I don’t eat McDonald’s and all that junk anymore. (This may mostly be a side effect of marriage…)
23. If you want to sell the RV, you just post it on Craigslist instead of hiring a realtor.
Except why would you sell this thing? It’s awesome!
24. We can watch our daughter grow up and experience the world from the comfort of home.
We started traveling with our daughter when she was four weeks old, and she is now traveling the world with us. She’s visited over a dozen countries and is possibly the happiest human in the whole world. I love her.

25. You aren’t homesick when you’re away from your hometown.
Home is wherever you park it.
26. Whenever you want to remodel your house, it only takes one can of paint to change the entire feel of your home.
We renovated Franklin and a complete makeover took less than a week! We share amazing RV renovations on our other website, RV Inspiration. This recent feature is one of my favorite RV renovations I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t even look like a camper!
27. The RV lifestyle reinforces not living a “comfortable life.”
Things are always breaking, life is hectic, and you always have a GPS running because you never know where you are. It helps you grow as a person, like when the slides on your RV won’t let you reach all of your underwear or the tow car nearly crushes you to death all in a 24-hour period.
Yeah. That was a hard day. But we are constantly being pushed and growing because we are always doing things out of our comfort zone.

28. RVing teaches you to fix things.
I hoped I was going to be rich enough to pay a mechanic all the time. That strategy hasn’t worked out for me yet, so now I know how to flush my radiator, fix my generator, check gauges, and other manly stuff I couldn’t do before. I even recently outfitted our Honda CR-V for proper towing. Dad would be proud.
29. It teaches you to value experiences over belongings and relationships above work.
At the core of it, this is what our lifestyle is truly about. Not buying lots of things. Not having a big expensive house or car. And not following the same path as everyone else. It’s about valuing things that truly matter, like spending time with my family and experiencing the world together.

Living in an RV 🚐 ❤️
Full-time RV living isn’t for everyone. It’s a major adjustment if you’re used to sticks-and-bricks! (That’s what we RVers call a real house.)
All in all, I stand by all of my beliefs in choosing the RV lifestyle over buying a traditional home. Does that mean we’ll never settle down and buy a house? Not at all, but it’s the best decision we have ever made.
Want to RV Full-Time? Here are a few more blogs to help you get started:
You two are inspiring.
And I mean that in the most hilarious of all possible ways…
Haha thanks Jon! How long have you guys been RVing for? Are you working along the road?
We technically aren’t YarrVee-ing yet. =)
We bought a 30′ Four Winds Hurricane 30F in October, and we’re in a spot at the Skylark RV and Mobile Home Park in Lafayette, Colorado – but we’re also still in our apartment in Thornton, Colorado, packing up, sorting, getting rid of stuff, etc.
Our ‘drop dead date’ is December 29th.
As for working on the road?
We originally planned to keep working our day jobs in IT through 2015 while we developed a ‘location independent’ source of income. However, I recently interviewed for and landed my first client as an independent ServiceNow Developer. The first week will be at their office (15 minutes from our new home in Lafayette, as opposed to the 1 hour+ commute each way I was staring in the face with the old job), and after the first week?
100% Remote.
I’m pondering taking Christmas week “off” and driving the YarrVee out to Sacramento to surprise my 70 year old mother. =)
Oh, look Disqus decided to use my ‘regular’ Google account. *chuckles*
-Jon, Captain of the YarrVee
Hey Jonathon! Been a long time! Are you guys on the road now?
Wow your amazing!
Overwhelmed at the coolness of this. Trying to get me a Jayco that can hold like 10 people. Thanks for the faith boost and great article
My husband and I Sold our home this month..Closing In April..We are doing this and you covered All Our Fears..and Made Us Feel Safe with this Article!! Thank you…I followed you on Twitter @honnnnie2…hope one day we will Cross Paths!! Thank you & Your Wonderful Wife!!
I am currently purchasing a class C Rv. I’m going Johnny Cash and breaking these chains. Your family has inspired me, and my 7 year old daughter Aria. I just purchased your wife’s book and I can’t wait to read it. Thank you for living outside the ‘norm’.
This is a fantastic list. It really, really makes me want to live in an RV. Of course, I have already wanted to do that, but you have rekindled my interest for sure! I think you two will be GREAT at helping others do what you’re doing. You’re inspiring.
Lisa! Thank you so much. You’re way too kind! And when you start looking, let me know! I would love to be helpful. RV shopping is one of my favorite things.
I love it. We don’t know how long we’ll be staying in country, but if we do, there’s a good chance we’ll either get a campervan or a tiny house! We’ll definitely hit you up for advice.
Thanks guys! We originally looked into getting a “tiny house” because of the allure of getting a tiny house lol. They are straight cool, and we still think so! However, it all depends on how often you want to travel. Our lifestyle is more or less going to constantly be moving for at least a little while. Tiny Houses, while technically mobile, aren’t really something you want to haul around a lot. Trust me, hauling is very stressful even when it’s just a little car! Let us know and we would love to be helpful!
I found your website through Gone With The Wynns. What an inspiration to have started out on the dream life so early! I would love to be doing what all the full time rv’ers are doing; living the dream! I manage to do some ‘living the dream’ as my husband works for an international company and we are about to start our second overseas assignment next month (London). You really do have to enjoy every day you get!
I absolutely agree. My wife and I are looking to cross off some international trips this year as well :). Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog. Stay in touch!
My husband and I are downsizing and have been exploring Tiny Houses vs getting a 29′ RV. Can you tell what kind of RV you have?
Hey Carol!
We have a 29′ Leprechaun Coachmen and it is a 1994. We definitely explored both options in great length when we first start looking for RV’s and I can definitely say I’m happy with our choice. I think it all depends on the type of travel you’re wanting to do. For instance, we wanted to be really flexible so a motorhome allowed us to move around quite a bit. Also, with a bit of interior redesign we made it feel like our own little tiny house :).
Thanks Heath. We are looking at a new Jayco Redhawk. Do you know anyone with a Jayco?
I don’t Carol :/. I would recommend visiting a Facebook group called “RV Tips” and asking somebody in that forum what their experience has been with a Jayco. Hope that helps.
I’m doing the same thing in a 5th wheel it’s a 37ft fleetwood pride I bought it cash and bought a 2013 ram 3500 for it I’m 22 and the only debt I have is my truck payments but that’s it and I’m looking forward to exploring canada and the usa
That’s awesome Darrion! I’m a big Dodge fan and I hope you have a blast man! Glad to see younger people out there hitting the road.
It’s a 03 but it’s home it would be nicer if my water didn’t smell like anti freeze I’ve drained it over and over but it still smells do you know how to fix that?
Eek! I haven’t had that issue personally, but check out this article!
Darion, It could be that whoever owned it first winterized it with anti freeze. Don’t drink the water out of the tap until you have filled the fresh water tank to capacity and drained it from a lowpoint drain until the smell goes away. The new anti freeze (propylene glycol) is relatively benign but the old stuff (ethylene glycol) is bad stuff and can kill animals. Just rinse the tank over and over (and I wager there are neutralizers now adays too) until it goes away. Remember this is the fresh water tank too, not the place you hook up the city water to. jmtc.
Enjoying reading your adventures Heath. My wife and I are about to start that adventure soon. My crossroads cruiser will stay at my camp while I pull my new Big Country 4010RD around. This is an inspirational blog and my wife is getting excited too. 🙂
Thanks again Chip! We’ve also had some issues with winterizing the RV. You just live and learn. We just had to fill up our fresh water all the way to the top and drain it a couple times. Wasn’t too big of an issue.
Very nice at your age. Hopefully it all works out
Hi Heath:
Your story is very inspirational to me. I left home when I was in my 20’s to backpack in Asia. Now at age 58 I yearn for the open road again.
As a backpacker and camper, I definitely understand how you had to overcome some snobbery to embrace your current lifestyle. It’s amazing how our own belief systems can limit our view of the world.
My fiancee and I have talked about selling the house and RVing, I have to say it seemed like a running joke, but when we only have one week vacation in the whole year, I am starting to think about this option more seriously.
I don’t see many people your age doing what you are doing, and it gives me hope for the future.
I like your creative approach to life and wish you and your bride every success.
Dan de Angeli
Hi Dan,
First off, thank you for reading. I understand the tension that comes with even sitting down to read a blog like this. For me, I get antsy real fast and reading about others’ travels only sparks that bug even more.
I’m glad I could play a small part in encouraging you for the future Dan.
We got rid of our house 6 months ago. Put everything in storage except the must have. And the 2 of us and 2 dogs have loved it for the last 6 months except for the fact we got got with our purchase. A 42 ft travel trailer as we were sold only to find out it really is not itsva park model but more of a tiny house but still loving the life style . Our family thinks we are crazy but we absolutely love it. Just wish the dealer would have been honest we can add rsnks and Jackson and turn it to a travel trailer but they went over the his to dump and check levels knowing we had no tanks. And after we paid cash before leaving asked us to sign a waiver for what to say our truck us not rated to pull it but never offered to show a better fit knowing. We were going full time in it . It looks like tiny house about 400 sq ft. Full-size appliances and full-size bathroom king bed said washer dryer hook up but they are not there. So laundry mat is biggest issue and size along with towing it
[…] (Just for kicks I made a list of 29 reasons why living in an RV is better than living in a traditional home, you can read that list here.) […]
This is amazing, I’m almost 22 but still in college doing some auto cad classes so when I get out I can design my own rv/travel trailer or tiny home on wheels. I’m always reading articles blogs and videos! Can’t wait
That’s awesome Justin! I have a big dream of doing a bunch of RV renovations and potentially filming some webisodes about the process to teach other people. Hit me up if you’re interested in possibly doing something together! Here’s my email –> Heathdellpadgett (at)
After graduating with a couple Bachelor’s degrees in 2013, I couldn’t find work in northern California. I ended up in West Texas. For my first 8 months out here I was living on rigs in the oil field in the same trailer where I was working. I finally made the decision to buy a 15′ travel trailer that my Jeep can haul so that I have a place to call my own. It’s so nice to be able to go home everyday. At 24 with a personality geared to run and not settle down, it’s perfect. After I finish my Master’s degree, I can just hook up and go wherever I please.
I love it Vanessa! I totally agree. I just turned 25 and I have a very “up and go” personality as well and living an RV has been very suitable towards it :). thanks for reading!
We have a plan and in 3 years will be on the road living the RV lifestyle. What kind of work will you be doing for income?
We started off with a sponsorship ( and now we do mostly freelance video work for clients. I’ve got a complete list of how we’ve made our income to date on my about page here ( Hope that helps 🙂
Heath you only forgot one reason that I know of and that is you can own more than one RV just like you can a house and put it on a small lot with a cover over it and if someone will watch it for you while you are gone, you can be a multi home owner at the age of 25… lol.
I have one 34′ 5th wheel that I leave up at camp and then I am getting a 41′ Big Country for my house.
haha that’s awesome! Right on Chip. That’s definitely another solid reason the RV life is awesome lol.
[…] it was an interesting read. The list of 6 reasons is surprisingly insightful. There’s even a second, longer list if you find the first one […]
Hey Heath! This was so inspiring! Thank you!
I will finish high school in a year or two and I am starting to look at what I want to do after I graduate! I really love traveling and I love being my own boss (not having to “punch in” so to speak). However I am having a really hard time find any decent information on what kinds of jobs you could do while you are RV-ing… Do you have any ideas? (I am good at reading, writing, math (especially algebra), photography, computer programming as well as some other stuff) I am trying to figure out what to do of my career and I want something that will let me live and travel in an RV.
Thanks again for this awesome blog!
Hey Zoe,
From the brief list you described, computer programming would in my opinion be the easiest for you to create an income that allowed you to travel. Businesses are ALWAYS needing new websites (even setting up basic WordPress sites can still pay you $2,000/site). Something like photography is great as well, but it takes time to build up a client based business and most of those would keep you in one location. I would use photography as a way to produce good content for a blog that you could eventually monetize. I interviewed a fellow RVer about how she was able to monetize her website that might be helpful for you to read here –> Wish you the best!
Thank you Heath! 🙂
P.S. I’m from Austin too! 😀 (well now I live on a ranch in Buda, just south of Austin)
Ah super cool! Austin will always be home, even though we are always on the road lol!
Heath. Very inspirational story. I’ve been preaching it for months. Unfortunately, the significant other wasn’t at all on board. As I’ve been mentally preparing myself.
Not sure if I’m “Physically or mentally” ready yet… But fuck it. Might as well take a leap and try it.
Your story is crazy too cool. Hope to hear about all your joy, in all your experiences.
Maximus, thanks for taking the time to read man! I don’t know if you can ever be “fully prepared”. Good luck with the leap brother
Thank you for sharing this inspirational story! My wife and I are considering the full-time RV lifestyle. We want to sell our house and get on the road with our toddler (yes, that’s the trickiest part). Before he reaches kindergarten age, we think this may be a wonderful 6-18 month experience.
I totally agree! Thank you for reading 🙂 and good luck on the adventure.
Thanks so much for sharing your story! Im 18 and getting an RV to travel around the country with my dog in. I love photography and travel and this story just inspired me even more! Cant wait to get mine!
That is awesome! Best of luck! 🙂
Very inspiring post. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. Kinda getting tired of living in the system living life like a debt slave, doing the jobs I don’t even like, far from experiencing life as a free and a sovereign individual.
In addition to your benefits, I would add my personal three benefits as below:
1) Freedom from debt slavery.
2) Limit big brother surveillance and big taxes on everything from real estate to utility taxes.
3) Freedom from almost all utility bills.
I love all of these benefits 🙂 thank you for sharing!
I’ve been considering selling a home in NJ, because 1. I inherited it… and 2. Never wanted to live in NJ in the first place. But…where to go? Then I started thinking about an RV. I am single, with two dogs…what other choices would I have at this stage in my life. I’m retired and love traveling. I’m debt free, and prefer to live a simpler life. I’m going to have to research this a bit more 🙂 Juliana
Sounds like you’d be an awesome fit. I’d recommend doing a trial of the RV life. Perhaps renting one and taking a mini trip to see if you like it :).
best of luck!
My brother bought an RV, and He lives in Houston…barely ever goes on a trip. And I’m the one with Travel Fever! lol I’ve lived in a lot of places…and still get restless… I love seeing new places. I’m also an artist, musician – so it’s hard to sit still. LOL I’m also 65 years old…so this would be a serious move. I will have to keep following your Blog…because I’m really thinking this just might be the way to go. IF I ever do settle down…I’ll Hit my brother up for a place. HAHAHA
Awesome post! My girlfriend and I have been living in our RV for a about a year now. We’ve spent many years paying rent and at it was just the most logical option at the time. I’d like to add to your post that you don’t need to travel full time to live in an RV. I’m a small business owner and my girlfriend works full time. We’ve spent the year living in an RV park outside of town. We pay a very small monthly fee to be hooked up to water, sewer and power all the time. There’s laundry facilities here, a pool and a lot of open park space. We’ve saved over 25k between the two of us by living in the RV instead of a house in one year! Now, since my business is seasonal and she can take a leave from her’s, we are headed to British Columbia to snowboard all season. And guess what, we’re driving the RV and living in it over winter! Thankfully, It’s a fully winter capable Triple E, made in Canada and a true four season RV. We couldn’t be happier!
Awesome! We spend roughly half the year staying in one place (here in greater Austin, Texas) and use the rest of the year to travel. It’s definitely a good balance and it really is so much cheaper than a house!!! Enjoy BC! We spent a lot of time up in the Canadian Rockies this summer. We are obsessed! So beautiful.
Lain, I’m interested in your experiences living in your RV and working full time, professional, permanent jobs. My husband and I are getting ready to do that in the next several months, and I’ve found there isn’t a lot of information about that. We are getting ready to move from one part of the country to another for permanent relocation, so between selling the house and deciding where we want to live, we will definitely be in that position, maybe even in the long term if we end up enjoying it. I would love to hear more from you guys!
Hi Kami, good to hear you guys are moving into the RV full time. You don’t have to worry about it cause you will be fine and will probably enjoy it. I asked my girlfriend what she thought and she said “if you guys are already willing to do that then you won’t have any problem”. Basically it’s most people’s state of mind that will keep them from ever doing something like this. I’m not sure the state of your RV but we found these things to be essential while living in the RV full time assuming you will be at an RV park with bathrooms that have showers and water, sewer, power hookups. These things may seem obvious to you but everyone has a different idea of what is essential: 1. A decent sized fridge and freezer. 2. A way to cook good food. 3. Running water to the RV sink and toilet (we kept our hot water tank off to save electricity and just showered in the park bathrooms). 4. Some form of entertainment like TV or internet with streaming capability. 5. A love for being outside and exploring the nature around you! Those things were essential and we couldn’t have lived without them, now here are some things that will make your stay in your RV much more comfortable: 1. Good neighbors at your park, choose your spot wisely as your privacy will most likely be invaded on occasion. A lot of people at these parks have nothing to do all day so they walk around and talk to everyone in the park. 2. A comfy place to sit in your RV like a couch or a cpl good chairs. 3. Well kept and up to date park bathrooms. 4. A park superintendant/owner that is easy to get along with as you will be dealing with this person quite often throughout your stay. That’s pretty much it, it’s just like living in a house but smaller and a lot cheaper. It will likely cause you to be healthier, get outside more and live a more active lifestyle!
Hey finally someone who lives full time in am rv and simply stays in the same spot forever. This is exactly what I’m trying to find but it’s always oh to go travel blah blah blah. Super annoying. Ok so anyways any advice you might be able to give? I’m currently still deciding on a rv to go with I’m thinking of building my own through a bus or simply buying a new one. I know you should never buy a new rv, but just spending that much money on a used vehicle of anew old age as you all well know that’s when there affordable. But by then there already deteriorating and the old owner (s) probably didn’t take care of them and like the poster I am not mechanicly savy so getting a huge list of problems would be problematic. Anyways any advice you could give towards living in a rv full time and pretty much just sitting in place forever. I’m not big into travel. Or any advice you can give towards picking out a model or anything really would be greatly appreciated. Now I must say I highly go for the motor home models and not the trailer ones. But yea any tips from an experinced rv’er who sits would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hey Anthony! I can give you a few tips for picking your RV. You’ll want a trailer or fifth wheel and not a motorhome for sure, since you won’t need an engine to move the rig around. Buying a rig with an engine would be a huge waste of money if you never plan on traveling. If you don’t have a truck, you can always get your trailer or fiver moved by a service.
We also always recommend buying used, 10 years+ is usually best for depreciation depending on well it’s been taken care of. Here’s our guide to buying a used RV and what to look for:
I lived in a small VW T2 for almost four years in Europe. Absolute best years of my life! I didn’t have a care in the world! I went with the wind, played street music to earn my way: I met amazing people and had wonderful experiences in more than twenty countries. Then I met my wife in Germany and we had to upgrade to a Ducato. We have a “real” home now as well, and “real” jobs, but I still love the simplicity and ever-changing scenery of RV life the best. I highly recommend such a lifestyle at very least to gain a rounded perspective on life. And it doesn’t have to be Europe. The US has plenty to offer 🙂
That’s awesome! I keep telling Heath we need to RV Europe next 🙂 I’ve heard amazing things!
I don’t know how rogue you like to roll, but there are a lot of tips and tricks if you wanna roll around Europe. Hit me up when you are ready. Maybe I can help you to not make a lot of mistakes I made. There is something to be said about learning things the hard way, but there are some things I wish I woulda been given a heads-up on. Anyway, like I said, I’ll be happy to tell you everything I learned which will likely save you a lot of dough and more than a few headaches 😉
Awesome! Yes I will keep you in mind to ask questions–thanks! 🙂
Loved this post 🙂 My husband and I sold our ho me last summer and used the profit to pay off debt and purchase our amazing 5th wheel that we now live in full time along with our 2 year old daughter and kitty! I’m a stay at home momma and he works for the State of Florida so we park on a beautiful portion of 5 acres that his family has owned for decades in Tallahassee. We use his massively stock piled vacation days to take small long weekend trips often, and longer trips every few months. We love being able to tote our home on a ton of mini vacations with our daughter and show her there is more than one way to live life!
Awesome y’all!
Gonna retire in five years and can’t wait to start a my new vagabond life! Going to buy a sport-utility camper with a drop down back to load my motorcycle in. Sell my house in Florida and follow the weather and blacktop!
Thanks for the extra motivation.
Yay, congrats! 🙂
Wow! Great article confirming our decision to change our lives.
Our house is on the market in Santa Fe,NM for 1.6 million. My husband and I lived in a renovated chicken shack on a gorgeous 144 acre farm that was owned by his Uncle ( 45 years ago ) . Then we rented many homes over the years, then bought homes( small to 2 very large mansions). NOW is the time for a huge change and we are excited about this new life. He’s retired and I’m a semi retired nurse… It’s time to see the earth around us and get the albatross of a house off our backs and flee debt…..
Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration.! God bless all the great RV’ers ( and their comments were so helpful) that had the courage to step out and live an unconventional lifestyle!
That’s awesome Meg! 🙂 Glad you’re joining our super fun RVer lifestyle! It’s the best (but we are obviously biased!) 🙂
What are the maintenance costs like (and how often do things go wrong)?
Depends on if you have a motorhome or a trailer and how often you are moving. Maintenance is more difficult with motorhomes, since not all mechanics can work on them, so the issues can be pricier and take more time, whereas trailer people have trucks that can be serviced by anyone. I’d say it’s common to come across issues once every two months or so, depending on the speed of your travel. The more you move, the more things will break! I would say enough things go wrong that no matter what rig you buy, it’s 100% worth it to buy the extended warranty.
Thanks – are the warranties available if you buy used? Guess it might be different in the US anyway..
If you buy used from a dealer, like Camping World for instance, you can usually buy one.
You have not convinced me that #3 and #27 are advantages. lol. Seriously though. While my girlfriend only uses about 2 GB per month, I average about 700 GB. Until high speed mobile data is affordable at the 800 GB level, I can’t RV.
Haha I would probably agree with you on that! We now use an unlimited Verizon plan so we don’t have to worry about using RV park internet anymore. We now watch way more Netflix, but have way fewer internet-related headaches at least!
Hi. I am a 52 year old single woman. I want to sell my house and RV full time. I work from home using a VPN. I have to have high speed internet. I can do my work from anywhere that has a high speed internet. Do you have any input for me? I would love to RV and do my work on the road. Is Verizon pretty dependable? How much is an unlimited plan?
Hey! I know a few RVs who use a VPN while they travel. I don’t know the tech side of things, but I know it’s possible. Verizon is awesome, and between that and our Weboost cell booster ( ), we’ve never had issues getting service! Our plan was around $150 for true unlimited.
[…] 29 Reasons Living in an RV is Better Than Living in a House […]
Really enjoyed your article on RVing full time. Sue pusateri
Thanks Sue!
[…] Heath & Alyssa: 29 Reasons Living in an RV is Better than Living in a House […]
Heath and Alyssa, I generally don’t post on sites like these, I just use them for finding answers and checking reviews. I can tell you this though, this is amazing what you two are accomplishing. The information you and many other RV loving people have given me has inspired me to pursue this life as well. I do have my own set of obstacles to get around, for instance I am in the Reserves and I will be deploying this summer, I will get back next spring. When I return, I already have plans in progress to work in the National Park Service. Although I must stay reasonably close to the east coast due to my base being in this region. I will hopefully have enough money saved after the deployment to start setting up a new life. Based on your blogs I will be finding the perfect trailer home or RV home for myself somewhere near the park I am working for. I will work summer’s for the Park Service for now so there will be a little travel involved. Hopefully I will be able to find one reasonably priced monthly and WiFi capabilities to be able to attend school full time. I will be looking into the RV memberships you provided as well. Once again, thank you for the insight on both of your lives, I greatly appreciate it.
That’s awesome Zachary! 🙂 And thank you! I’m glad we could play a small part in inspiring you 🙂
Me and my husband are interested in the RV life and all of the freedom it comes with. However, when you’re ready to buy a “real” home, are you going to have problems with a loan due to not having a steady income for years and not having a permanent residence? How will you handle that situation?
Probably not. When you RV full-time, you will set up a domicile, which is a permanent address for all legal purposes. So you’ll always have a permanent residence listed. And your income really has nothing to do with living in an RV. We make more in our RV than we did living in apartments.
My husband and I are considering hitting the road in spring of 18′, living in WV is gotten to us. Working just to pay bills anymore it seems.. and we love traveling but have limited vacation time at our current jobs. Any advice to first timers starting out? Confused as to where we will wash clothes and health insurance options? Also, what jobs are avaliable online while traveling?
Have you joined our free course? That’s a good place to start.
But as far as your specific questions: 99.99% of RV parks and campgrounds have laundry services on site. As for health insurance there are agents that work specifically with RVers and I outline more on that here:
There are a LOT of jobs available online while traveling. From your entry level basics like customer service to running an Etsy shop or picking up freelance gigs on places like upwork or fiver.
Sorry, that was a lot to throw at you, but I hope that helps you see how entirely possible it is 🙂 I would start with joining the course if you’re really serious about RV life!
Dear Heath and Alyssa,
I loved reading this. I am nearly 54, have lived in the UK all of my life and like most have had mortgages or paid rental for my homes. I was widowed aged 38 and never really got to grips with paying a mortgage on a home that late on in life. I realised I would be paying that mortgage until death with my financial situation as it was. I have longed to see more of our world with my partner Eoin. We have been together a long time now. I have four grown up children, two grandchildren and he has two adult children of his own too. Now that we have had time to sit down and really think about what we want this stage of our lives to look like, we have realised the RV life is perfect for meeting our needs. Right now it’s all in the planning stage because we currently have his 83 year old, frail and unwell mother living full time with us but looking ahead, we are both excited for an adventure which will see us living our life on the road. We plan firstly to tour Europe, stopping off for chunks of time to really enjoy the many sites. I have been a mummy first and foremost so for most of my adult life my experience of the world has come to me mainly through vacation experiences and holiday times. Nothing wrong with that and I have no regrets either. This was just how those years went. Now that I am middle aged I have this longing to break away from what is normal, what is expected and with the world as it is, I see no better time than my near future to do this. Thank you for your informative and lighthearted blog about your own life on the road. We are hoping to show people that it’s never too late to break away from traditional ways of living. I feel very fortunate too as Eoin has worked for nearly forty years in the motor trade and is a great mechanic. I hope you both continue to embrace your chosen lifestyle and wish you a long and happy life together, wherever that life may take you.
Aw Tina, this is such a sweet, wonderful message! Thank you for sharing part of your story with us 🙂 We are really hoping to RV across the pond next year, so perhaps we can meet up with you on the road!
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post Alyssa,
I was telling Eoin all about your RV life and he is as excited as I am for the near future. We are both researching as much as we can and preparing for a huge life change. If you do manage to get across the pond please, please feel free to come visit us. We live in the most beautiful county of Cornwall, at the South end of England, which is full of beautiful beaches, great for surfing and kayaking and has lots of stunning rural scenery. We have not always lived here. It’s been two years this July since we left our birth city of Bristol. Since my late teens I had wanted to relocate to the county of Cornwall but the time just never seemed right. Following a major operation to have one of his kidney’s removed in 2015, Eoin was convalescing at home when he decided to just apply for a job as a mechanic in Cornwall. Amazingly he got offered that job on the day of his interview and things moved very quickly from that point, finding us moving the 200 miles, relocating and both having new jobs all in the space of five weeks. We love it here but long for a simpler life. I expect us to make Cornwall our base for the majority of the year, travelling further afield, firstly through Europe, in the winter months. A part of my plan is to finally get cracking on my book. A book I just never seem to have the time to complete. Keep on keeping on. Safe travels, Tina and Eoin.
I’ve heard amazing things about Cornwall! I had some friends stay in a cottage there last year for the holidays. I’ve only stopped through London once on a layover so I really want to explore England in an RV too! Heath has never left the continent and so I really want us to learn how to explore the different cultures of the world together.
Such a wonderful message Tina. This made my heart warm.
Awesome post and awesome couple. I love that you sometimes fight…and resolve things. This is how I want to retire…(already retired) but saving for a new travel trailer…but the more I read the more I am not sure what I want. Not more than 12′ that I know. But there are so many things out there. I love that those that RV are living their lives. Truely you two prove money is not everything. wishing you decades of wedded bliss.
Aw thank you Laurie for this encouraging comment!!! Have you downloaded our free guide? The whole first section of the book is all about how to find the right rig for you and what the options are. You can download a copy here: 🙂
: Hi. Great article!! We started this and then was relocated from Az to Indiand and are purchasing a home. If you hear from anyone please share. We have already paid up til 10.31.17 at a campground with full hook up and wifi.
Life on the road can be tough. My wife and I hit the road about three months ago. We have seen the most amazing things and have hit a lot of bumps…but..but, I will take this any day over my old life of 24/7 working just to look at a back yard for an hour a week. Great info guys. Have fun out there and We will see you on the road.
I think you definitely see more extremes in the RV. It’s like you’re broken down in the desert on Saturday and on Sunday you’re watching the sunset over the Grand Canyon and it’s 75 degrees and flawless. But always ALWAYS better than working the old 9-5!
Really? You must either have a lot of money or your smoking something!
You sound very jealous.
[…] online and can still make a buck or two while at a campground. The greatest advantage offered by living in an RV is freedom. There’s nobody stopping you from leaving the desert unannounced. No limitations, no […]
And just exactly what address is listed on your drivers license? “28 MY RV”, Anywhere, USA”? You have to have a REAL address on your license. How do you get your mail? If you are in a small town, you can’t just park on the streets overnight or in their parking lots. You had better learn the heights of overpasses and bridges before traveling on particular roads. Also, you can’t just get all the TV channels you had at home, right? Campgrounds are expensive and often times very noisy, especially at night and they limit the size of some RVs and/or the amount of time you can spend there. Where do you dump your trash? On the road or do you sneak into other peoples’ trash bins? What do you do if you suddenly take ill? Do you think that you can drive into a hospital parking area with some RV that’s the size of the 51st state? Personally, I think you just using it as an excuse to avoid living in the real world and taking some responsibility for yourselves.
just curious… how did you end up on this website?
Also, check the laws in the states regarding hook up trailers and widths of the RV. You will be surprised at how many states won’t let you drive a certain RV in their state!!
Great article! I’m starting plan on an RV life, and I’m wondering, where do you park? Do you stay long in cities?
Hey Indigo! We mostly stay in RV parks or campgrounds, and sometimes will boondock on BLM or national forest land, depending on what part of the country we’re in. We don’t often stay in cities, since we prefer to be away from traffic and tons of people, but we’ve camped in LA, Nashville, NYC, and more. They are all better for shorter stays, a week or less!
[…] Traveling by RV can help you to see more of the country, teach you how to live with less, and is the perfect way to bond with friends and family members. […]
SO talk to me about an RV VS travel trailer
Hey Diana! We have a couple posts on choosing an RV:
Plus I wrote a book with multiple chapters on choosing the right RV, along with all the other basics you need to learn before living in an RV full-time:
[…] are a lot of upsides to RV living. We’re just going to cover a few of the best ones […]
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My bf and I are splitting up. I’m going on 50. I never owned a house and have two dogs. I feel an RV is right for me. I want to live in ten states in ten years. How does a woman do this by herself? Maintenance terrifies me. I will have to find jobs where I go whether it be a waitress or in medical. Can I do this? Any advice is appreciated.
Hey Lisa! There are many solo female travelers. We actually have three podcast episodes from solo female travelers talking about how they do it full-time:
[…] of the benefits associated with traveling in an RV include the ability to travel throughout the country, experiencing the breathtaking views all […]
[…] and want to try living a more minimalist lifestyle, you could get a tiny house or live on the road in an RV. Use this checklist from rental site Adobo to help you […]
[…] best articles to read about RV life is by Heath and Alyssa, who wrote a blog back in 2014 entitled The 29 Best Reasons Why Living in an RV is Better Than Living in a House…it’s sweet. It may make you wanna try it […]
[…] Do you fancy the idea of living off the beaten track, err, living in your own landed home and live anywhere you like? That is the very idea of RV living. […]
[…] 29 reasons living in an RV is Better Than Living in a House – Home RV Life 29 Reasons Living in an RV is Better Than Living in a House. RV Life. 29 Reasons Living in an RV is Better Than Living in a House. November 20, 2014 by Heath .. If you want to sell the RV you just post it on Craigslist, instead of hiring a realtor.. […]
I like what you said about not taking anything for granted when living in an RV. My sister wants to be able to see the country in the next few years. I’ll share this information with her so that she can look into her options for getting the right RV to help with this.
That’s a good point that having an RV would promote an outdoor lifestyle. I feel like I tend to spend my time off lounging around the house when I could be outside doing something cool. I’ll have to consider getting an Rv so I could feel more motivated to spend time outdoors.
I like how you said that an RV can help you visit all of the continental states and give you amazing views. I would love to explore the country in an RV. My wife loves spectacular views so I’ll see what she thinks about buying an RV.
I really like your idea to choose adventure over comfort in your life. My spouse and I are thinking about getting an RV so that we can travel more. We need to find a local storage unit that we can put our things into when we are on the road.
Love your site so far, Heath and Alyssa! Fun!
It’s interesting that living in an RV can be better than living in a house! The fact that they can be so much more convenient makes them a great option for me. Maybe I should look into different options when it comes to buying an RV.
It’s great that you mentioned that one of the benefits of living in an RV is you get to travel while still making money by working remotely. My boyfriend and I are unhappy with our corporate jobs. We both love traveling, so perhaps we should try to find a remote online job then purchase a fifth wheel RV. Thanks for this.
I do love that you guys pointed out that one of the perks of living in an RV is the flexibility to move around. My wife and I have always dreamed of living in an RV as we are both avid wander lusters. Maybe I will look into how feasible it is for me to obtain TV auto parts and then consider the best RV for my wife and me to live in and travel.