Awesome blogs by RVers you should be following!

One of the most difficult things about transitioning into the full-time RV lifestyle at 23 years old was the lack of community. We felt like we didn’t have a lot of peers who had chosen a similar lifestyle. At times it made both Alyssa and I feel like a crazy person to have chosen this awkward and unconventional lifestyle.

But then we found a thriving online community of travelers out on the open road and started making friends with them via their RV blogs. The more that we met, the more we felt affirmed that we were doing the right thing.

That being said, I created a list of RV blogs from people who are out on the open road, making a living remote, and genuinely living a cool adventurous life.

[bctt tweet=”We created a list of RV blogs from people who are out on the open road, making a living remotely, and genuinely living a cool, adventurous life.”]

Connect with them. Follow them. Make friends. Re-affirm that you aren’t crazy and if you want to live and travel in an RV before you’re retired… you should do it.

Crazy Family Adventure

In 2014, Bryanna and her husband Craig, their four kids (and their dog), sold everything, bought an RV and have been traveling full-time around North America since. If they aren’t climbing mountains, hiking to a waterfall or playing at the beach they are most likely at the local donut shop tasting their way to uncovering the best donuts in the country or the local brewery or cider house finding the best beer/cider in the country!

Follow the family: 

Crazy Family Adventure

We’re the Russo’s

Back in 2015, Joe and Kait Russo were living the American Dream. They owned a home in Los Angeles, had well-paying jobs in the corporate world, and a strong community of family and friends nearby. But something was missing. After a lot of soul searching, they realized the daily grind of long commutes and working for others wasn’t bringing them joy, and they decided to take the risk of a lifetime. They sold their home, quit their jobs, bought an RV and left the safety and comfort of home for a new beginning: life on the road.

What started as a one-year break and a chance to do some traveling turned into an adventure with no end date, new careers, and a new understanding of what it means to truly live the life you want. During their first few months on the road, Joe and Kait began posting blogs to update friends and family about their travel. That led to posting videos on YouTube and slowly, they found that they were reaching far beyond their network of loved ones. They also realized this new reach could be the key to allowing them to extend their nomadic life indefinitely.

Since then, the Russos have built a travel brand (We’re The Russos) consisting of a popular website (, a YouTube channel with millions of total views, two books, and a loyal following of fellow travelers and dreamers. They are passionate about inspiring others to take risks and pave their own road to fulfillment.

Find the Russo’s on: 

Keep Your Daydream

Keep Your Daydream

Marc and Tricia Leach ditched the suburbs a couple years ago and while still being full-time parents and running their own consulting business, hit the road in an RV. Documenting their journey and what they’ve learned along the way, they’ve built a Youtube channel called Keep Your Daydream with over 130k subscribers.

Making Sense of Cents

RV Blogs: Making Sense of Cents

Michelle is a super successful personal finance blogger turned full-time RVer and sailor. Her and her husband Wes are now traveling across the country in their Winnebago and she’s sharing what she’s learned thus far about the RV life. Michelle was even cool enough to do an interview with me as part of my make money traveling series. You can read that interview here: How to make $25,000/month blogging.

Find Michelle on: 


RV blogs: Technomadia

Alyssa and I got to meet Cherie and Chris in Austin, Texas at a little get together back in 2015. We all hung out, toured their awesome bus conversion and I got to hear about their epic adventures and how long they’ve been at this RV lifestyle. After meeting them I did more research and read up on more of their blogs and realized just how awesome these two are. They met on the road and have been posting and sharing awesome RV related blog content for years. They even created an online school for mobile internet as well.


Find Technomadia on: 



Peter & John are a couple of “Do-It-Ourselves” full-time RVers who offer RV maintenance, repair & travel tips. If you have a question about your rig, they likely know the answers. We love these guys and recently flew to Italy to RV around the country with them! (See those videos here!)

Find Peter & John on:

The Fit RV

RV blogs: fitrv

James and Steph are fitness junkies who originally made the leap into a class b van so they could have a bathroom for their cycling events. Now they run and create a bunch of really great content on how to stay fit on the road.

Find The Fit RV on: 


RV blogs: livinlightly


This is the Peterson family! I interviewed Nick for my upcoming podcast on making an income on the road. Nick and Shae, his wife, make the majority of their income by creating and selling digital products on a website called Teachers Pay Teachers. They also travel in a really cool airstream, obviously.


Find LivinLightly on: 

188 Sq. Ft


Kevin and Mandy are two of my favorite people. They hit the road in their renovated fifth wheel a few years ago and we love meeting up when we cross paths. I met Kevin through an app I downloaded called The Moment App (Kevin created the app) and have had him on the show a few times! See: RVE 0010: Why Kevin Holesh Moved Into a 5th Wheel After His iPhone App Was Downloaded 2.5 Million Times

Find Kevin and Mandy on: 

The Adventures of Trail & Hitch

RV Blogs: trailandhitch

Trail and Hitch (Sigfried and Anne) are both software developers who decided to escape the rat race and take their skills out on the road. I met Sigfried in a Google hangout I was hosting with a bunch of fellow RVers. He’s a really cool guy and they travel around in a sweet airstream.


Find Trail and Hitch on: 

Want to follow us?

Hi! We’re Heath & Alyssa In 2014, we quit our jobs, bought an RV, and got married. During our first year of marriage, we traveled to all 50 states filming a documentary called Hourly America where Heath worked an hourly job in each state while Alyssa filmed the adventure. Our documentary work has been featured on CNN, CBS, Fox, Forbes and has led to consulting work with brands like Chick-fil-A, UPS, and Winnebago.

Here on our website, we share how to start traveling in an RV full-time—like in our book, A Beginner’s Guide to Living in an RV—and how to run a business on the road. You know, so you don’t end up one of those people living in a van down by the river. We support ourselves while traveling by running five businesses on the road. (We’ve since sold three of them!) For more on making a living on the road, check out our podcast: The RV Entrepreneur. For more helpful free resources, see our Resources page.

Now, we travel full-time around the globe. Our kids have RVed in a dozen countries with us including Japan, New Zealand, Italy, France, and more!

Read Next: All the Countries Where You Can RV: A Complete List