How to Eliminate Worry from Your Life

Written from a tiny Starbucks table in Las Vegas [stag_intro]Being on the road, there are a million and one things I could be worrying about right now. [/stag_intro] Finances, RV troubles, and any type of security just to name a … Read More

The Right Mentality for Overcoming Obstacles

[stag_intro]Two months ago Alyssa and I had a minor freak out when our deal for buying a truck camper fell through. With just one short month before the wedding and our trip, we had no vehicle.[/stag_intro] I did my best … Read More

Our 2018 Travel Schedule

We plan our life around our travel. We keep a loose RV travel schedule, but try to let you in on what our plans are like for the year. This year’s theme: RVing abroad. RV Travel for 2018: January Texas … Read More

Life’s Perfect Moments

Ever so often, life hands you a perfect moment. In these moments, I wish I could stop time. Everything around me would freeze and a still silence would blanket me with the promise of something magical. This is how I … Read More

A Fight Between Work & Love

It’s 8:19pm here in Prescott Valley, AZ [stag_intro]Alyssa and I spent all day on the road driving from Albuquerque to Prescott today.[/stag_intro] It was kind of a whirlwind. It feels good to be in a new place for a few … Read More

Preparing for My First Job Today

[stag_intro]Today my official title is Project Dojo Assistant Instructor at Project Dojo Martial Arts School.[/stag_intro] How awesome is that? I’ve always secretly wanted to learn martial arts. Not so much the fighting aspect, but the breathing techniques, the mental aspects, … Read More

A New Day, A New Adventure

Written from Parkview RV Park- Fort Stockton, TX: May 31st, 7:15am Pulling out of Fort Stockton this morning we’re hitting the road to Albuquerque, NM. It’s a 350 mile drive. The longest one we’ve made so far in Franklin (that’s … Read More

Overcoming Obstacles & Fear

Written from mile marker 400, somewhere in west Texas. [stag_intro]Fear is a great reminder of how awesome life is. Today, I let Alyssa drive the RV for the first time. We were both a little terrified, but after she passed … Read More

For Anyone Starting a New Journey Today

Beginnings are fun. When you start a job, there’s the promise of rising the ranks and making a name for yourself. On a first date, there’s the tingling sensation that this might be “the one”. When a new born child … Read More

When was the last time you felt prepared?

I’m trying to think of the last time I woke up and faced a day feeling prepared, but nothing comes to mind. We’ve spent months preparing. I can draw you a map of our route from memory. I can recite … Read More

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