How to Make Breakfast Tacos like a Texan

It’s Saturday, which means no one wants to work today (including me). Last Saturday, I wrote a how to article on how to make homemade popcorn. Today I want to teach your something even more helpful and even more satisfying. Breakfast tacos … Read More

The Best Year Of My Life

Today we worked our 10th job in our 10th state, Wyoming. We are officially 20% done with our jobs and have five more months of travel to enjoy. Time is flying past us. We’ve met well over a hundred new … Read More

The Most Encouraging Question Ever Asked

“Heath, before we get off the phone, I have a question for you. How can Linda and I be encouraging for your mission? We believe in what you and Alyssa are doing and want to help encourage you along your journey.” … Read More

Update from the Padgett’s from Wyoming, America

*If this posts, you should all switch to Verizon because they truly have service everywhere. Today, we celebrate 60 full, long, rewarding days of travel with a $4 bottle of pinot noir and fresh avocados (we are splurging)! Here some … Read More

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