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Last year Alyssa and I compiled 1.5 terabytes of footage for a documentary called Hourly America. We traveled 18,000 miles and spent 200 days on the road. On a whim and with a big dream, we quit our full-time jobs with the hope we could somehow make it on our own through writing and freelance work. Fortunately for us, we were able to find a sponsor for our 50 state quest as we filmed our documentary.
[Watch the film for free on Facebook here]
How did we, two twenty-three-year-old kids with zero background in film and fresh out of college, travel across America for seven months to film a documentary and actually get paid to do so?
Here is a brief account of how we were able to find a sponsor to help contribute to our documentary. I’ll also include specifics on how much the sponsorship entailed and honest view of what the relationship looked like throughout the entire process.
But first, here is the backstory:
Last February Alyssa and I were quitting our jobs and planning out an extended honeymoon across the country. We were tired of Texas summers and desperately wanted to find somewhere outside of Texas to live for a year or two. While looking at a map of the United States we found five different places where we could see ourselves settling down for a short period of time.
They were:
Nashville, Southern California, Boulder, Portland, and somewhere in North Carolina
Alyssa, upon looking at what kind of route we’d have to take in order to get to all of these places, decided we should attempt to scratch off one of our bucket list items of visiting all 50 states. During our first year of marriage? That’s crazy!? But I couldn’t dodge the bravery and awesomeness of my future wife’s request.
“Let’s do it,” I said.
We calculated that it would take us seven months to travel across the lower 48 states and then we could figure out a way to Hawaii and Alaska. Seven months is a long time to just travel and we knew that we’d have speed bumps and hiccups along the way. We both knew that if we were actually going to finish this journey we’d need some kind of push or motivation to continue moving forward when we found ourselves in the middle of Kansas or North Dakota.
So we started scheming possible “missions” for our cross-country trip. At first we thought about serving at different nonprofits or meeting up with people we admire in different places, but neither of those were the right fit or seemed big enough.
Then we found the right quest for our seven month cross-country excursion.
I was going to work a different job in every state.
Being young and entrepreneurial, I’ve always known I wanted to own my own business or work for myself. But for the longest time I wasn’t sure what that business looked like or when I would want to-or could-start it. I had so many unanswered questions about my future and the idea of exploring different jobs across America sounded like something that could provide me with quality experience and unique knowledge of so many jobs, and at the very least a badass resume and adventure during my first year of marriage.
It was an idea that once I had it, I couldn’t shake it. It was the adventure I had been looking for.
Enter Sponsor
You’re probably questioning why we hadn’t thought more about finances before this time. I have no good answer to that question. I’ve always been entrepreneurial and I assumed we could figure out how to make money along the way.
One idea I had amidst the planning process was to start a social media marketing company and build up enough clientele to pay us the monthly amount we needed to travel before hitting the road. I went as far as to recruit two of my friends, build a website, and find our first paying client.
I quickly realized I had zero passion for social media marketing. So instead, I started researching jobs for what would be our first stop in Albuquerque, NM. I thought since I’m going to work all of these different jobs, maybe those could help support our trip. I googled “Jobs in Albuquerque” and one of the first job postings was on a website called I had heard of them before at a conference where I met their head of HR, so I was somewhat familiar of their online platform.
Looking through their website, I realized they had job listings in every city/town across America that we were going to travel through. That’s when the lightbulb went off.
What if they could help me line up jobs along our trip? I already have a wedding to plan, RV to buy, and will be traveling across the country, if I can take one thing off my plate that would be awesome. Plus, the support of a big company will help give us clout and will be much easier to find jobs (I’m probably giving myself way too much credit here for forethought, but you get the idea).
I found Snagajob’s head of marketing’s email address and shot him a message. I told him I was about to travel across the country and work a job in every state. Would they possibly be willing to help me find some jobs along our 50 state adventure?
Best email I ever sent, see here for the blog I wrote about it.
He forwarded my email to their enthusiastic head of public relations who loved my idea. Fifteen minutes later I got a call from them and one week later I was on a plane up to Richmond, VA to meet with their entire team to discuss my upcoming project.
I was a little surprised they were so gung ho about our trip, seeing as they didn’t know me from Adam. But it helped that I had met their head of HR at a conference, and she vouched for me and told them I wasn’t crazy. Also, I had been writing blogs for awhile on LinkedIn and other places, so they could read some of my work and tell that I would have the capability of recording the journey or at least writing blogs about it.
They One Upped My Original Request
My original ask was for them to simply find me some of the jobs across the country. I thought it was a pipe dream for them to actually go another beyond that. After all, who I was I but a normal college graduate?
After meeting with their team, they liked me enough to actually make an additional offer.
“Heath, we’re willing to help give you guys a monthly stipend to help you make this trip work. Also, we’re willing to help you line up at least 30% of your jobs, using our online job board.”
(In the end, Snagajob ended up finding me 25 jobs, and I found the other 25 on my own.)
I know, I was surprised too. I was also jumping for joy. While we had a small amount of money in savings, it was by no means enough to support us throughout the trip. We were planning on asking people to donate to our honeymoon at the wedding (which we did here) and then see what kind of freelance writing gigs we could pick up along the way.
But Snagajob came on board to really help this thing move forward. They helped us create an awesome logo, website, and momentum into our journey.
I had some doubts when accepting a sponsor that I mentioned awhile back. I didn’t want my project to be “controlled” in any way and I wanted the freedom to complete this 50 job/50 state quest without the process being tainted by a big company’s shadow. Most of all, I wanted to be authentic and never feel like I had to say something that wasn’t really me (they don’t know I’m writing this blog).
Luckily, we ended up having a really great relationship with Snagajob. Towards the end of our journey we even made a stop at their headquarters to meet the rest of the company. It was really cool being able to meet the entire company that had been supporting our trip (they have around 300 employees). Fifty or so of them piled into our RV to get a peak of Franklin and they even let us take over some of their offices temporarily.

What Our Sponsorship Looked Like
The sponsorship we had with Snagajob was pretty simple.
They would send us a $1,000 a month to help cover expenses like gas and in return I’d write a follow up blog from every job on so they could share it with their 50 million registered job seekers (yes, they have 50 million job seekers signed up for their service). This is why if you’ve ever read any of the blogs from the jobs I work, I try to make them helpful for someone looking for a job, because this is who their audience is built up of.
In addition to $1k/month, they also would cover additional expenses for if we ever needed to rent a car in certain cities (seeing as we were only traveling with a 29 foot motorhome). Luckily, this didn’t happen often. We only rented a car three times throughout our entire trip: in Portland, LA, and Chicago.
How the Documentary Came About
The real game-changer happened when Jon, my soon-to-be PR buddy over at Snagajob, offered to send us some film equipment to turn our trip into a documentary.
We had no intentions of filming a documentary while we had been planning our trip. Alyssa and I were were just going to blog about our experiences on the road.
However, a year prior to our trip planning I had made a bucket list of things I wanted to do before I die. One of them was film a documentary. In college I had watched my best friend James film a documentary called Bastrop: Rising from the Ashes. It was a film about the restoration of a small Texas town after a raging fire wiped out over 1,600 homes. He used his skill as a videographer to document real stories of individuals who were rebuilding their lives after this disaster. He then used proceeds from the documentary to help continue the restoration process.
After his movie premier, I watched a woman whose home had burnt down come up to James with tears in her eyes, telling him how impactful and meaningful his film had been. Seeing as most of the major media left immediately after the disaster, he stuck around for the longevity of the rebuilding, and it touched her heart.
I recognized in that moment the power of film to change people’s lives. Ever since, I’ve wanted to film a documentary of my own.
The only problem?
Alyssa and I had virtually no film experience to date. When on Earth were we ever going to have the opportunity to film a documentary?
Well, the opportunity came sooner than we thought.
An Unforeseen Benefit of Sponsorship
A question we’ve been asked a few times was, “So many people have big ideas, but you guys actually executed on one. How?”
There were two big factors in making Hourly America a reality, one of them was locking ourselves into an RV purchase. We vested skin in the game and it helped give us a strong incentive to finish our trip. The other major factor was our relationship with Snagajob. We made a promise to them that we were going to visit all 50 states and work a job in each one.
Having made those two big commitments it helped us to persevere through places like the Dakotas and Nebraska, when God knows I wanted to quit and go home.
If You’re Looking to Do Something Crazy or Have Interest in Finding a Sponsor
Here’s what I would say:
- Approach companies with an open mind. I didn’t email Snagajob with a detail oriented plan. I told them I was going to travel across the country and work a bunch of different jobs. By being open minded, we were able to collaborate on the project and make it something of a mutual project.
- Realize you are attaching your name to someone else’s reputation. Before our sponsorship happened Snagajob flew me up to Richmond to meet with their team. Why? Because they were attaching their brand to my name. If I did something crazy, it would look bad on them and vice versa. I wasn’t willing to hand myself over to any company, but I believed in them and the people who I met. I liked them and there is mutual respect. If it was some immoral company and I didn’t believe in their mission, I wouldn’t have signed.
- Make sure there is a clear benefit for both parties. After all, money is being exchanged so make sure both of you are receiving a clear benefit. I knew that my story would be a cool one (or at least I hoped so) for them to attach themselves to. While there was no guarantee people would resonate with us, there was a possibility they might receive more brand recognition by attaching themselves to our seven month journey. We also needed the financial backing and job connections.
- Financial sponsorship is only one element. Aside from the financial piece, having Snagajob as an online job board was invaluable. When I reached out to companies and told them Snagajob was our sponsor, they listened because they had heard of them before. This was super helpful in the beginning of our journey when nobody knew who we were. You can only imagine the phone call I made so many times… “Hey my names Heath and I was wondering if you would hire me for the day. I’ll be in (insert name of town) next week and my wife and I are traveling across America, filming a documentary about hourly workers and would love to spend my day working at (your business). I’ll bring donuts.” (Yes, I did ask this and it worked). I switched up the pitch several times, but the point is this: Having Snagajob attached to our project gave me a lot more opportunities than I would have had otherwise. Because of the relationship I was able to work in larger companies like Domino’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Six Flags (as a Zombie, pretty epic).
Sometimes sponsorships could get a bad reputation for being manipulative or untrustworthy, but really it’s the same as any type of relationship. There are good relationships and bad ones, and you have to decide accordingly. Bringing on Snagajob as a sponsor was a game changer for us, and I wouldn’t change that decision for anything.
We couldn’t have made the trip possible without the support of them behind us. I also feel as though they’ve helped share the message of their online job board with the rest of the country as Hourly America as been featured on the front page of Yahoo!, CNN, Fox and Friends Morning Show, Huffington Post Live, and even Sunrise, the equivalent of Good Morning America in Australia(ello’ mate!).
As for the documentary making process, we have full autonomy over creating our film. I’m sure when the time comes we’ll have the support of Snagajob’s network to help promote the film, but during this time we are the sole producers of Hourly America.
Also, never once were we pressured to “say something” or do something in a certain way. We just made sure to give honest plugs for their support of our journey, of which I do with joy because of how great they have been to both Alyssa and I.
I hope this post was helpful, and please ask me any questions you might have in regards to sponsorships or my experience. Lastly, if you were wondering, YES it costs more than $1k/month to travel the country. We had additional streams of income that I’ve written about here.
Also, I recently launched a free online course for RVers called How to See America on $2,000/month! It’s everything my wife and I learned about how to travel CHEAP and enjoy a lifestyle of full-time RV traveling. Click here to download your free course!
I’ve always wondered about how that all transpired. Thanks for sharing the details!
No problem! 🙂
[…] the context of a specific campaign. If you want to learn about how to find a sponsor for traveling, read this thorough guide I wrote a few months ago on how to land a […]
[…] the other hand, if you want to learn how to find a sponsor to pay you to travel around the country, I can help with that. Or, if you’re interested in started a remote income business, I can help with that […]
[…] Sponsorship […]
[…] come our way because of that relationship. They literally helped me find 50 jobs last year. Here I wrote a blog post about how we found that sponsorship and the cold email I wrote to get […]
This is exactly what I want to do, starting in my home country, South Africa, and then the world. Thanks a lot for all this insight. I am indeed a video editor and camera operator, but all the administration around I had no clue. THANKS again. Hope you still doing the traveling…
You bet Estiaan! Best of luck 🙂 And yes, we are still on the road traveling 🙂
[…] We’ve done a lot of different things to make money on the road. The majority of our income has come from video work that we are paid for, like online educational videos we record for clients. I’ve also been paid to speak at companies and during most of 2014 we had a sponsor company that paid us roughly $1k/month (read about that sponsorship here). […]
great article, thanks. One thing I was wondering, how much did you have to pay for the RV which would have been part of the cost and when you bought it, how did you know if it would take you across the country without many problems.
Thanks! We paid $11,500 for our RV. Honestly, we had no idea if it would take us all the way across the country. The main thing is checking for leaks and also asking how much someone has driven the RV. For example, we bought it from a couple who had recently driven it from California to Texas (which equaled proof that it would at least make it that far). We had a few breakdowns during our trip, but nothing fatal. Hope that helps.
[…] I mentioned in a recent blog post, an on-going comment on articles that were written about our travels was that we were “trust […]
[…] come our way because of that relationship. They literally helped me find 50 jobs last year. Here I wrote a blog post about how we found that sponsorship and the cold email I wrote to get […]
[…] How we found a sponsor for our documentary […]
[…] the road. That sponsorship was the initial spurt of funds that allowed us to go see the country (read more here if you’re interested in finding a […]
[…] Sponsorship (read the backstory for how we found a sponsor): $8,171.35 GoFundMe campaign (asked our family to donate to our wedding vs. give gifts): $4,175 Consulting (for author): $2,400 Guest Blogging: $775.37 […]
[…] How we Found a Sponsor For Our Documentary (also, here is a blog I wrote about the cold email that landed us a sponsorship) […]
Hello, my boyfriend and I are getting ready to travel the U.S. in our bus conversion and were hoping to find job’s along the way. Was it easy to find jobs for a short period of time? And do you think that was because you had snagajob as your sponsor?
Hey Caitlin,
It definitely helped that we had a sponsor and were only doing short, one-day jobs. However, we’ve met quite a few people who do temporary jobs and travel from place to place. More often than not they are doing workamping (free rent for lodging and small pay).
I think it all depends on your experience, method of reaching out, and exactly what kind of jobs you are going after.
Hi Heath,
Did you have any type of disclosures for confidentiality or non-compete when you reached out to potential sponsors regarding your idea? Also, did your sponsorship include any crew expenses?
Hey Alexis! No, we didn’t. It wasn’t really necessary to put any of those in place after we signed our contract. We told Snagajob that we would be looking for additional sponsors and that was fine with them. Since I was the entire camera crew, there were not any crew expenses to be covered, but they did send us their own camera equipment to use during our travels.
Hi Heath and Alyssa!
Was your contract with Snagajob between their company and you two as individuals or you had to set up a different entity ( a company/NGP) to get into this relationship?
Thank you!
It was actually just set up between Heath & Snagajob!
Awesome, thank you for answer 🙂
This is so inspiring! My dream is to travel solo across the US in an RV and get to know the locals of all different races, nationalities, cultures while getting to know more of ME. Wanting to film (maybe livestream a lot of it). Just needing to learn how to get sponsors for the RV, film equipment, and stipends so this was super helpful in just getting my mind a moving. 🙂
Awesome! Glad it was helpful 🙂 Good luck Shari!
Wow, this is truly inspirational. I have wanted to do something like this my whole life but have gathered so much throughout my life that I feel I cannot get rid of it or leave anything special to me behind. I’ve been with someone for two years now and he has been wanting to do something just like this, but as time as gone on we’ve gather mored things together and it has become harder to just drop everything and leave, because of “comfort.” You made some incredible comments that struck me in a way that I’ve always been hoping would happen one day, but always scared it wouldn’t because I have become attached to so much more in my life now. I want you to know how happy it makes me to hear that Alyssa was able to pick you up and help you live your dream. My boyfriend has done the same; I just haven’t looked at the situation the way you have presented it. You’ve helped me realized what’s more important in life, and that is doing what you love with whom you love and are loved by. My boyfriend and I are getting ready to move within the next month, and as we are packing up I am realizing more and more that the amount of things I have are holding me back from the amount of things I wish I could do/experience. My boyfriend suggested just dropping everything, lets use our money to get an RV instead of a house, and finally go do the things we’ve always wanted. He’s a clothing designer but has always wanted to have his own business/”name”, and I am an indecisive person who is currently a nanny ha but I also do photography, art, poetry, and a little design on the side. After reading through a lot of your blogs and “29 reason why” you should live in an RV instead of a house ha (haven’t even seen the documentary yet) you have helped my confidence in dropping my current life style for a more daring, adventurous, and exciting life style I’ve always dreamed of experiencing. You’ve also fully convinced me that I don’t “need” to keep all the things I’ve gathered throughout my life already. My biggest problem has always been afraid of letting go because I am afraid I will forget the memory/experience. But the way you phrased it makes so much more sense. It’s enjoying the moment and experience that helps you remember, not the clutter that you gather that holds you back from make more of these kinds of moments. Maybe letting go of the clutter, will in some way help me gather my past memories in a different and happier way? I am sorry for the LONG comment, but I couldn’t stop myself. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for; that “sign” in life that pushes you that much closer to your dream. So, thank you, so so much. I look forward to seeing your documentary and I will keep you posted if my boyfriend and I follow through with our RV adventure! Either way, coming across all this has changed my perspective on so much. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your experience. I hope you two are are living happily and wonderfully, always. 🙂
Ellesse, that’s awesome! Before Heath and I got married, he actually ran a clothing company and I nannied. Small world 🙂 I would definitely continue to encourage to go ahead and jump into the RV life now! No time like the present to start living the life you want. Best of luck and see you down the road!
Heath, did you get paid at all of these jobs? Companies and you were willing to go through all of the paperwork for one day of work? When I first heard about this, my first thought was, “Wow, what a nightmare it must have been to do his taxes after that year with 50 W2s?”
Haha, that’s so many people’s first thoughts! Nope, didn’t get paid for any of them. They were all “volunteer” positions so there was no paperwork and no compensation involved.
Hi Heath/Alyssa! My boyfriend and I are starting to think about buying an rv to travel while freelancing my graphic design abilities and his sales/people skills. This is a huge and scary adventure for us because neither of us have any entrepreneurial experience! Do you have any recommendations for getting sponsored using these skills?
Hey Amanda! 1. That’s awesome! and 2. Totally depends! I think you need one of two things to get a real beneficial sponsorship: a large audience or a mission/campaign. For us that was Hourly America. Campaigns or missions (or films or series or photos, etc) are great for grabbing media attention and headlines, which is what companies are really wanting when they agree to a sponsorship. They want to get as much publicity or content as possible. I would look at things you already use (i.e. our friends Cees and Madison are sponsored by Chacos and they wear a ton of Chacos) and reach out to those companies. But have that bigger something in mind that you can offer them. For us, that was promoting Snagajob in all 50 states and on local, national, and international news. For Cees and Madison they are visiting all 59 national parks and have a huge Instagram following.
Here’s a good podcast all about getting sponsorships:
Between the two of you, you have the perfect skills to start a good brand/blog/website that can help grow your audience and make you more attractive for sponsorship opportunities.
Good luck! 🙂